To fumble a woman like Sam for some online clout would be laughable. Imagining how much money this man must’ve gone through that it’s made his fiancé run for the hills is concerning.

“Does he have access to your accounts? You might want to freeze them just in case.”

“That’s the first thing I did, don’t worry. That fucker isn’t getting a penny from me.”

My cheeks start to hurt again from smiling. “Good.”

I’m proud of her. Despite the lousy circumstances, Sam seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Even if she’d been getting weird vibes from her fiancé like she said, I’m sure it’s still quite the blow to find out that her suspicions were correct.

Besides, who wants to find that out about the partner they’ve chosen? To know that the one person that’s supposed to be keeping them safe and protected is doing the complete opposite.

“Look, as long as you want to stay, you’ve got a place with me.”

Sam squeezes my hands again. “Nate, you’re a life saver.”

My heart thumps again. I hope she never stops saying that.

Chapter Six


Nate’s nice enough to take me shopping for some new clothes before taking me back to his shop. Even though I swore to pay him back as soon as possible. Either way it didn’t seem to bother him.

Out of anyone I could’ve run into stranded on the side of the road, I’m so glad I’ve been blessed with a literal angel. Sure, he could be pitying me, but I’m choosing to believe he’s got a genuinely good heart and likes to help people down on their luck like me.

When he brings me up to his loft, he gives me a quick tour of the place—it’s way nicer than he’d led me to believe at lunch—and then brings me to the guest room to set down my stuff down.

“You want anything, just let me know. Food’s in the fridge, so feel free to pick at whatever. I’m sure you’re dying for the shower. I’ve got towels in the linen closet just inside the door, so help yourself. Sorry about the, uh, lack of products in there.”

Grinning, I turn around after setting down my bag down, “Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys that does the 13-in-1 shampoo.”

He coughs, trying to cover up a laugh. “I’m not that bad. I’ve at least got a bar of soap in there.”

“One of the free ones from a hotel you got six years ago? Those are my favorite. They’re great for the face.”

He grins. “You’ve got quite the sense of humor, Sam. You know that?”

“I’ve been told I should do standup.”

“I’d go to your show.”

My cheeks flush. I’m sure he’s not meaning to sound flirty, but that’s exactly how I’m taking it.

“Anyway,” he continues. “Just holler if you need anything. I’ll be down in the shop going over your car.”

“Thanks, Nate.”

He claps his hand against the doorframe before disappearing down the hall. I let out a slow breath, trying to get my racing heart rate back down again. I get that Frank and I haven’t exactly been in sync lately but I didn’t think my lack of tangoing in the bedroom was getting to me this badly.

Digging through my bag of new clothes, I set out something comfy and then head to the bathroom. It smells nice in here, despite my jokes.

The water feels incredible when I finally get under it, melting off all the stress of the day. Not to mention getting off all this makeup caked to my face.

By the time I’m done, I feel like a whole new woman ready to face the horrors of having to call my fiancé and let him know I’m considering ending things. There’s no doubt in my mind that my dad’s covered the bases of letting everyone know I’m not coming home right away, but I’m positive that Frank’s going to continue blowing up my phone to get a straight answer.

He’s never been one to just let things go, even when it’s obvious that nothing’s going to come of badgering the other party.

You tried to marry him…