Page 15 of His Wild Desire

All too soon, however, the nagging demands of the day encroach upon our intimate sanctuary. With a grumble of reluctance, Caleb allows me to roll out of that deliciously rumpled cocoon and pad across the rough-hewn floorboards, reveling in the simple joy of being able to move without hindrance after days of enforced rest. The dull ache in my ankle is fading, thanks to Caleb's expert care and the blissful downtime.

Grabbing my cosmetic bag, I steal a sidelong glance at the rumpled figure lounging in bed. Caleb's eyes track my movements with undisguised appreciation, his gaze lingering on the exposed curves left tantalizingly bare. A shiver skitters down my spine as our eyes meet, the heated promise in those brilliant blue depths leaving me momentarily breathless.

Forcing myself to tear my gaze away, I make my way to the tiny bathroom, silently marveling at how quickly the dynamic between us has shifted. Just days ago, I was convinced this gruff, uncouth man would prove to be nothing more than a temporary blip in my carefully curated life.

Yet somehow, against all odds, Caleb Stone has managed to awaken a part of me I never knew existed—a primal, uninhibited piece of my soul that's been lying dormant for far too long.

As I splash cool water on my face and run a brush through my hopelessly tousled locks, I can't quite shake the nagging sense of trepidation gnawing at the edges of my euphoria. As magical as these stolen moments with Caleb have been, they exist in a sort of idyllic bubble, separate from the harsh realities waiting for me back in the city.

My chest constricts at the thought of returning to that high-pressure world of endless meetings, artificial connections, and a life dictated by the never-ending pursuit of success. But could I truly walk away from everything I've worked so hard to build?

The mouthwatering aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon wafts through the cabin, effectively derailing my spiraling train of thought. Tucking those worries away, I take a steadying breath and head back into the main room, determined to stay firmly rooted in this perfect, uncomplicated moment for as long as I can.

Caleb is already up and padding around the small kitchen area with familiar ease. Unable to resist, I lean against the rough wooden wall, openly drinking in the sight of him as he tends to the sizzling skillet. The muscles in his broad back ripple with every movement, and I find my gaze tracing the intricate patterns of faded ink scattered across his sculpted shoulders and arms.

"See something you like?" he rumbles without turning around, as if sensing the weight of my lingering stare.

"Maybe," I murmur, allowing my eyes to slowly rake over every ridiculously appealing inch of him.

Caleb's deep chuckle resonates straight through me as I pad barefoot across the creaky floorboards to join him. Without a word, he slides a steaming mug of coffee across the battered wooden counter.

"Don't get used to the special treatment, city girl," he warns gruffly, though the softness in those blue depths belies the harshness of his tone. "I fully expect you to pitch in and earn your keep around here from now on."

I scoff and take a pointed sip of the perfectly sweetened coffee. "Oh yeah? Well, I'll have you know that I'm an excellent... uh... coffee drinker. Among other things."

"Is that so?" His grin is all sharp edges and wicked promise as he scoops the last of the scrambled eggs onto the plates. "Guess I'll just have to put those other mysterious talents of yours to the test then."

The heated look he pins me with is enough to set my pulse galloping anew, desire swirling thick and hot in my veins. Before I can formulate a sufficiently snarky retort, however, the distant rumble of an approaching engine breaks through the cozy intimacy of our flirtatious banter.

I freeze, the mug suspended halfway to my lips as the sound grows steadily louder, more insistent. Caleb's brow furrows almost imperceptibly, and our eyes meet in a loaded glance, the reminder of the outside world suddenly an intrusive weight hanging heavy between us.

Of course I knew this secluded paradise was merely a temporary reprieve, but some irrational part of me had allowed myself to become swept up in the fantasy of remaining cocooned in this perfect bubble forever, untouched by the stresses and demands of my real life.

Caleb's expression is carefully blank as he sets the plates down with a dull clatter, his jaw ticking almost imperceptibly as he moves toward the cabin door.

My throat constricts as a thousand unspoken questions threaten to tumble forth in a tangled rush. What happens now? Do I gather my things and hike back down the trail, leaving this wild indulgence as nothing more than an incredible memory?

Or is there a chance—however infinitesimal—that we could somehow make this insane, unconventional thing between us work?

Chapter 7


With a measured glance at Emma, I cross the cabin in a few long strides and pull open the weathered door. Squinting against the bright wash of morning sunlight, I scan the narrow dirt trail winding up the mountainside.

A rugged Jeep lurches into view around the final bend, raising a cloud of dust in its rattling wake. I feel the knot of tension between my shoulder blades ease infinitesimally as the familiar olive green exterior and oversized off-road tires come into focus.

Garrett fuckin' Blackwood. Of course.

The burly search and rescue coordinator kills the engine and swings himself out of the driver's side in one smooth motion, his scuffed work boots crunching across the gravel drive. I brace myself for the inevitable barrage of smart-ass commentary as the man ambles closer, that infuriating smirk tugging at the corners of his whiskered jaw.

"Mornin', sunshine," he calls with a lazy two-fingered salute.

I grunt in response, crossing my arms over my bare chest as I lean one shoulder against the doorframe. "What are you doing out here?"

"We had a call down at the station, a hiker's gone missing, a girl from the city. Have you seen anything?"

My jaw tightens at his words. Of course, Emma's absence wouldn't go unnoticed forever, no matter how much I'd allowed myself to exist in this idyllic bubble over the past couple of days.