“We’re friends, right?”
“Sure.” I swallow. What does that mean? He wants to go out as friends?
He cocks an eyebrow and grins, making the dimples pop and the butterflies in my belly flutter. “So, friends with benefits?”
Wonderful. So much for happily ever after. I’ve managed to move hundreds of miles away from my family, and I still can’t have a serious relationship. Can I settle for friends with benefits? Being in his arms seems to make me lose my grasp on reality. I’ve never considered a fling before, but what a scorching hot fling it would be.
I shudder. Maybe he could grow to care for me and eventually be willing to stand up to my family. Can I settle for a physical connection for now and hope for something more? What if it destroys me?
I shove my hands into my pockets as it takes all the willpower I have not to pull her back into my arms. Hopefully, the out I gave her keeps her from feeling like she must choose between her family and me.
My mother chose a man over her family and lost them forever. Sadly, they were right. My father was bad news, and she’d been too stubborn to admit it and make peace with them. If I weren’t that same wrong choice, I’d fight for a chance to have a future with her. She’s a strong, confident woman who deserves a man who can give her things I’ll never provide.
When she doesn’t answer, sweat breaks out on my palms. Just say, ‘No.’ It’ll be easier for both of us. The possibility of spending more time with her is both intoxicating and devastating. A few weeks ago, I would’ve never thought I’d consider her a friend. What will a couple more weeks bring? What happens if I fall in love with her and can’t let her go?
She licks her lips and places her hands on my forearms. “When we first met, I didn’t think we’d get along. We seemed to have different viewpoints on everything.”
“We started off on the wrong foot, but you’re nothing like I thought you were. I expected you to be a spoiled diva.” I remove my hands from my pockets.
“My tiara is currently at the cleaners.” One corner of her mouth raises. “And you’re not the cold-hearted, know-it-all asshole I believed you were.”
“You were getting into the middle of stuff you had no business getting into, and you could have gotten hurt. And where you live is a little…” I cringe.
She frowns, drops her hands to her sides, and crosses her arms. “You didn’t just lecture me on what you don’t like about me seconds after asking me out, did you?” Her eyebrows arch. “And if we’re critiquing each other, you’re a tad too rigid and need to loosen up a bit.”
“I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I’m giving you friendly suggestions.”
“Well, here’s some unsolicited advice. Mind your own business. I’m done with men that try and tell me what I can and can’t do and when I can and can’t do it. Even from a friend who wants benefits.”
Am I trying to cockblock myself? If there was a photo on the web next to the word asshole, I’d likely be there.
I raise my hands with my palms outward. “I apologize. After ten years in the military, I’m used to being in control of most situations and having people do what I tell them to do.” I frown, and my gaze drifts to the ceiling of the parking garage. “That’s not entirely true. It probably started before that. When I was growing up, I had to be in control. You’re right. It’s not my position to tell you what you can and can’t do.” Way to stick your foot in your mouth. There’s no way she’s going to go out with you now. Maybe it’s for the best. I run a hand through my hair. “But I care about you, and I want you to be safe.”
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea if we go out when we can’t agree without getting into an argument.” Her eyes narrow into slits, and she unfolds her arms. “But I’m willing to give it a shot. On one condition.”
My heart skips a beat. “What’s the condition?”
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
Anxiety swells in my chest. I need to be in charge. It’s the only way I stay sane. How can I give that up? How can I give her up?
“What do you say? Agree?” She shoves her hand out between us. “We’re friends. We date with no strings attached. And you mind your own business.”
Fu-u-uck. I groan and shake my head. This is stupid. The situation has epic fuck up written all over it. I clasp her hand in mine. But I couldn’t walk away if I wanted to. “Agreed.”
The jingle of her cell phone emits from inside her handbag. I let go of her hand, and she reaches inside to retrieve it. Without glancing down, she hits a button that makes it stop ringing.
She steps forward, gives me a quick kiss, and settles onto her heels. “That’s got to be Rachel. I hate to run when we just made a non-commitment commitment, but I’m late. I’m sure you’ll want to make an appointment to discuss when we can get together.” She winks. “But I think we should wing it–throw caution to the wind. How about we go out tomorrow night for dinner?”
I chuckle. No matter what happens, she does have a way of making things more lighthearted. I don’t let many people make fun of me and not have it tick me off. “Where would you like to go?”
“Surprise me.” She opens the door and settles inside the driver’s seat.
“What kind of food do you like?”