I leaned into him, gasping when he wrapped his arms around me to cup my breasts. “I keep them hidden for a reason.” It was getting harder to draw breath.
Dominic’s fingers slipped into my bralette and teased my nipples, drawing them into stiff peaks. “You don’t have to show those parts to the world. The world doesn’t deserve them, Ava. But I want them — all those little pieces that show me who you really are. They’re the most beautiful things about you.”
Was I physically melting? Could that happen? My heart felt weird, too. I turned to straddle Dominic, my desire mounting to unbearable measures. I pushed him down on the bed and kissed him like I’d never kissed anyone. He groaned into my lips and gently squeezed my ass. I didn’t know what the hell was happening with my fake boyfriend, but I was powerless to stop the waves of need washing over my body.
I pulled back just long enough to help him finish undressing and then let my eyes greedily drink in every inch of his smoking hot body. I gazed into his dark eyes. They were like deep, warm pools of understanding. I was drowning in them, and before I had the chance to come back up for air, he’d tugged me down to his lips.
Dom didn’t fuck. He made love. Reverently. I was putty in his hands. Why the actual hell had I asked him to slam me up against the wall and choke me last time? I didn’t want that, not from him. With other guys, I so badly wanted to feel something that didn’t come until they got rough. With Dom, I felt everything in a simple touch.
“Ava,” he whispered against my neck, sending chills scattering across my body. Dominic gently turned us over so that he was on top and slid into me.
I gasped and arched my back, pressing him deeper. I dug my nails into his back and moaned as he rocked as deep as he could possibly go. Gawd! Why did it feel like this with him? Why did he feel so good?
Dom ducked his head and gently sucked on my breasts while he rocked into me. Then he pulled back and rested my legs against his shoulders before driving into me again. The eye contact was killing me. I closed my eyes, but Dom’s low, sexy voice said, “Open your eyes, Ava. I want to see them when you come. Let me see those gorgeous blue eyes.”
I shook my head as his thumb gently circled my clit. “Can’t do it.” Damn, that felt good. He was really good with his hands. Some guys rubbed at a clit like they were trying to start a fire. Dominic worshipped it.
He let out his sexy little British chuckle. American men laughed. British men chuckled. I never knew there was a difference until I met Dominic. “Why not?” he asked, still gently thrusting and rubbing my clit.
I opened one eye and peeked at him. “Because I might fall in love with you.” I laughed and snapped both eyes shut again. I turned it into a joke, but I was half-serious.
Dominic laughed. “Can’t have that, can we?”
“Nope.” Oh damn. I was close to orgasm. I gripped handfuls of the sheets and let out a little whimper. I could feel Dominic’s eyes on me but refused to open mine. When my climax hit, my eyes accidentally fluttered open and met his red-hot gaze. Pleasure exploded through my body, an intense pleasure that I now associated with his dark brown eyes.
I did not just fall in love with him. I didn’t. That would be insane and stupid. He loved Lucy. This was ending in two months.
Dominic leaned down and caught my lips in a gentle kiss, keeping his delicious rhythm going. His teeth grazed my ear, and I heard the smile in his voice as he said, “You looked, Ava.” Seconds later, it was his turn to fall over the edge. I admired the way his muscles tensed and relaxed and the way his breathing quickened right before he let out a few sexy little groans.
My heart raced and ached and felt too many things. I’d let him in too far. I’d let him see so much of the Ava that I didn’t even know anymore.
Suddenly, it felt like the walls of our suite were closing in on me, so I did what I do best— pushed him away and hid. I slid out from under him and forced a laugh. “I’m cured. I guess all I needed was a good fuck. Let’s go to the party!”
I hurried to the bathroom before he could see the tears that burned the corners of my eyes. What sort of mind fuck just happened between us? I locked the bathroom door behind me and gave myself a once-over in the mirror. Ugh. I was disgusted with my reflection. How could Dom have wanted to sleep with me when I looked like this? What was his game? What did he want from me?
I turned on the shower with shaking hands and climbed in before the water was even lukewarm. The sobs hit me hard and fast, and I prayed that Dominic couldn’t hear me. He’d think I was insane. Who cried like this after sex?
Logically, I knew I was still riding a depressive episode, but logic was a shitty shield against intrusive thoughts. They came in waves.
Ugly bitch.
Stupid cunt.
No one will ever love you.
Go die.
I let them rattle around in my head, doing nothing to fight them while I scrubbed the makeup from my face. They’d fade eventually, and tomorrow I’d have the meds that numbed the thoughts.
I finished my shower and did one of my five-minute makeup looks. Then I wrapped my thin body — the intrusive thoughts called me fat— in a towel and unlocked the bathroom door.
Dom was dressed again and leaning in the doorway leading out to the balcony. He glanced up at me with eyes full of worry. “You all right then, Ava? You took off like the bed was on fire. Have I done something to upset you?”
I loved and hated the feeling in his eyes. Stop it, you arse. You love Lucy. Don’t make me feel things. Don’t make me hope. I pasted on my Ava Mills Official smile and laughed. “I’m fine! Like I said, I just needed a good fuck. So thank you.”
Dominic’s eyes narrowed at my smile, and then he nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “So we’re back to this then, are we?”
I kept my smile screwed in place. “What do you mean?”