Ava set her phone down and considered my question. “Celebrate how?”
I shrugged and gave her a devilish grin. “Maybe a bit of champagne? Fewer articles of clothing?” I was likely to get slapped after that, but the thought of sliding into Ava rallied my courage.
Ava blinked in surprise and then laughed. It was her real laugh — the one I liked far better than that high-pitched trilling nonsense she used in all of her videos. Her gorgeous face softened, and then she transformed into that little blonde fairy vixen that I’d had a few unwelcome dreams about.
“That could be fun, lover.” She sauntered over to her fancy refrigerated wine cabinet and bent to grab a bottle of something to drink. Her arse was maddening to look at. I wanted to run my hands down the smooth green material of her tiny shorts and give it a pinch.
Don’t mind if I do.
I stepped up behind her and placed my hand on her lower back while she set the bottle on her daft pink benchtops. She reached up to grab two glasses, and I helped myself to her lovely arse. It felt even better than I’d imagined — so round and firm. I gave it a squeeze, and Ava whirled around to face me. She narrowed those jewel-bright eyes at me. “I thought you didn’t like me, Dominic. I thought you were waiting around on Lucy to come crawling back with her tail between her legs.”
I chuckled and leaned in to press a kiss against Ava’s collarbone. I’d heard nothing from Lucy since she called me her mate. I could keep being a dumb sap, or I could try to move forward. “I do like you, and your body is maddening. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve had a proper fuck, and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Dom, you idiot! Are you actively trying to sabotage yourself here?
Ava scoffed. “I should slap you for saying that.”
I ran my lips along her neck, breathing in her sweet candy scent, and my heart pounded in my throat. I was so close to having her. Should I tease her some more? She could shove me away, or it could lead to hot, angry sex. “But you won’t.” Bastard! You’re going to blow it!
Ava’s breathing quickened as my lips reached her jaw. “No, I won’t. Because it’s been a minute since I’ve had a good fuck, and you’ll do.”
I smiled. “Oh, I’ll do, will I?” I pulled her against my body and hovered my lips only a half-inch above hers. Ava let out the smallest gasp, and a satisfied smirk settled onto my face. I wouldn’t just do. Ava wanted a go at me. She’d wanted it from the moment we met.
I was right. We both needed this. Sex. I’d fucking worship her body and make sure she felt beautiful. She’d make me forget all of the things I didn’t want to think about.
Ava pushed out of my arms and turned back to the bottle of champagne. “Yeah. You’ll do.” She filled two glasses and handed one to me. I smirked at the slight tremble in her hand as I took the champagne she offered.
“To our beautiful love, Ava.” I grinned and held up my glass.
Ava gave me a glimpse of her real laugh again. “May it last and flourish for four more months, and may everyone stop hating me and pitying you by the end.” She raised her glass and clinked it against mine.
“Brilliant,” I laughed, and we each tossed back a drink. When my glass was empty, I reached for the bottle behind Ava, but she stopped me.
“Nope. We’re doing shots now.” She slapped my hand away from the bottle. “No more of this weak-ass champagne.” Ava bent again and pulled out a bottle of vanilla vodka and watermelon liquor. “Sienna and I used to make these in college. They’re called starburst shots, and they are delicious.”
I laughed out loud and ran my hands through my hair as Ava readied our next drink. “Ava, just give me some gin or whiskey. I’m not drinking that girlie shit.”
“Shut up and toss it back.” Ava grinned at me and shoved the glass into my hand.
“Fine.” I laughed and watched Ava tip her head back to take the shot, exposing her gorgeous neck. I tossed back my own and smacked my lips together. “All right, it’s not bad.”
Ava laughed and nodded. “You want another?”
“Don’t say a word about it.” I slid my glass back toward Ava so she could make me another fruity drink. It was good.
Her real laugh was lower and fuller, and completely contagious. Before long, we were both half-pissed and laughing like idiots in her expensive kitchen. And bloody hell, I wanted to fuck her. She got sexier with each passing second.
After our fourth shot, we locked eyes and wiped the smiles off our faces. The air felt like it was crackling between us, and Ava’s eyes danced with desire. Next item of business: Sex. Fucking. Shagging. Call it whatever you want. It was on with Ava Mills, my fake girlfriend.
Ava slid a single black strap down her shoulder and bit her luscious bottom lip. I groaned and bit my own lip, wishing it was hers. The girl really was smoking, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her tits. She batted her long, thick eyelashes at me and let out a sort of giggle that sent all remaining blood rushing to my cock.
“Ava, where is your bedroom?” I could hardly speak as I scooped up my sexy little fairy in my arms.
Ava looped her arms around my neck and nibbled my ear. “Top of the stairs, first door on the right.”
I was frantic. I couldn’t get this girl to bed fast enough, and when I finally did, her clothes still frustratingly stood in the way of my happiness. I ran my mouth up and down her body as I struggled to undress her, kissing or licking every bit of bare skin I came into contact with.
Ava gasped when I finally freed her fantastic breasts and took them in both hands, squeezing as gently as I could and burying my face between them. She let out a sensual moan and laced her fingers through my hair. “Oh god! Please fuck me.”