“Are you cooking for me?” I smiled at my sexy lover boy.
“I am.”
I sighed when I glanced into the pan and saw pasta. “You’re going to make me fat.”
“And happy, yeah?”
I laughed and tugged his head down so I could kiss his nose. Dominic loved nose kisses. “I’d rather be fat and happy with you than skinny, pretty, and alone.”
“That’s brilliant news.”
“Hey, Dom?”
“Yes, love?”
I slid my arms around his waist as he stirred the pasta. “Do you want to make babies with me?”
Dominic hardly reacted to my question and added a pinch of salt to the pot. “Well, should we at least eat first? It’ll get cold if I take you upstairs now.” He cupped my ass and continued stirring.
I laughed out loud. “That didn’t freak you out?”
“Do you really want this with me?”
“I might be a crazy pregnant lady.”
Dom shot me a smirk as he reached for a colander and placed it in the sink. “I’m counting on it.”
“Depression can be hereditary.” I bit my lip and stirred the sauce. I’d been doing really well with my mental health the past few months, but it could still sneak up on me if I weren’t careful.
“And I might be a shit dad. That can be hereditary, too.”
I dropped the spoon and frowned. “No. There’s no way.”
Dom shrugged and poured the pasta into the colander to drain it. “There’s always a chance, Ava.”
I turned off the burner and pulled him into my arms. “There is absolutely no chance that you’d be a shit dad.” I tilted my head and gazed up at him. “But I understand your fear.”
Dominic kissed the top of my head and folded me a little tighter into his arms. “So my shit’s still okay with you?”
“Yep. Mine still okay with you?”
“Yes, love.”
“Perfect.” I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Let’s make some babies.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “After dinner.”
Dom reached into his pocket, slipped something out of his wallet, and took my hand in his. I felt cold metal sliding onto my left ring finger. “Call me old-fashioned.” He shrugged and turned back to the stove.
I gaped at him and held up my hand to see the solitaire diamond on my finger.
“That one’s a place-holder, of course. I’ve got one of your favorite jewelry designers working on something better.”
“I… What?” I blinked at him and then back at the ring. “Did you just claim me? Aren’t you going to even ask?”
Dominic laughed and pulled me back into his arms. “You asked if I wanted to make babies with you, Ava, and I want to be married before I have children. So in a way, you already asked me to marry you.”