Page 54 of Yes, Love

The door opened before I’d even knocked, and Sienna stood in the entryway smiling at me. “You better be here to sweep her off her feet, lover boy.”

“I am. You reckon she’ll let me?”

Sienna shrugged. “She’ll put up a fight, for sure. But would we want her any other way?”

I grinned. “No.”

“Okay, she’s chugging some liquid courage in her kitchen right now. You better get in there before she can’t string a sentence together.” Sienna slid past me and patted my shoulder. “Thanks for calling me, by the way. I’m rooting for you, Dom.”

“Thank you.”

I headed down Ava’s entryway with my heart pounding in my throat. When my eyes landed on her, I nearly stopped breathing completely. She wore a pair of soft, cotton sleep shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Her blonde hair was piled on top of her head in a messy knot, and Ava’s makeup was light enough that I could see every freckle on her nose. Bloody hell, she was beautiful.


She pointed a finger at my face and cut me off. “You left! You left me for Lucy! You don’t get to waltz back into my life like you didn’t leave me!”


“No! I’m not finished!” Ava gripped a glass of red wine in her other hand and slammed it down on the countertop, sloshing its contents. “You just close that beautiful British mouth until I’m done talking!”

I grinned at her and ducked my head. “Yes, love.”

“That fucking killed me when you left! And yes, I know I told you to leave. I know I acted like none of it was real, but I’m a god-damned liar, Dom! I lied because I wanted you to have your perfect Lucy back.” Ava threw her hands in the air. “And you had her! So why the hell are you here?”

“Because I—”

“Uh uh! I did not say you could talk! That question was rhetorical!” A new fire lit in Ava’s eyes as if she’d just remembered something else to be angry about. “And where the hell do you get off telling Sienna about LA and the bullying?”

I hung my head in shame.

“You promised that everything I told you in Miami would never leave that room! Fuck! You had no right!”

“I know I didn’t! But you disappeared online, you wouldn’t answer my texts or calls, and I was terrified! I’m so sorry, Ava. I didn’t tell her everything, just enough for her to understand the situation and blow off work to come and check on you.” I ached to pull her into my arms. “Ava, please. I’m sorry.”

She folded her arms and shot me an icy glare. “Whatevs. I’m fine, so you can leave.”

“Can’t do that.” I rested my elbows on her silly rose quartz benchtops and locked gazes with Ava.

“Well, it’s my house, you stupid arse, so you’ll leave when I tell you to leave!”

I loved it when she used British slang in her American accent. There was nothing more adorable in the world. “You can tell me to leave all you want, Ava, but this time I won’t listen. This time I’m staying.” I crossed the kitchen and tugged her tiny, delicate body into my arms. My mouth crashed down on hers before she could throw any more angry words at me. Her soft, warm lips felt like home, and the way her arms and legs immediately wrapped around me was absolute perfection. I lifted her to sit on the counter, my lips never leaving hers. I buried my hands in her hair and kissed the shit out of Ava Mills like she was the most real thing that had ever happened to me.

When our breathing was heavy with passion, I forced myself to pull away and say the words I’d come to say. “Ava, I’m mad about you. I’m in love with you. Fucking say you’re mine.” My lips traveled down her neck, feeling her rushing pulse. I needed her closer. I needed her skin against mine.

Ava let out a small, strangled sound, and my eyes darted up to her face. Was she crying? “What is it, babe?”

“What about Lucy?” She almost whispered.

I should have led with that info. I would have if Ava had let me get a word in. Maybe it would have saved us a bit of yelling. “Lucy and I never got back together. I went to get her settled with her parents because she needed someone. But by then, I’d already fallen for you, Ava.” I pulled her closer. “I wanted to tell you, but you seemed so keen on my leaving. I convinced myself that you felt nothing, and I was setting myself up for another heartbreak.”

Ava’s eyes traveled over my face as if she were searching for truth in my expression. “You never hooked up with Lucy?”

I shook my head. “No. Never even kissed her. She leaned in once, and it just felt wrong, so I backed away.”

“It felt wrong?” Ava’s voice was soft, but she slid one hand up my shirt to rest on my abdomen. Her eyes flicked up to meet my gaze, almost shy.

“Yeah. You want to know why?”