Page 3 of Yes, Love

I glanced at the photo on her phone and had to do a doubletake. “Um, hello.” I blinked at the gorgeous man on her screen. He was shirtless on the beach with the breeze tousling his dark, wavy hair. Deep brown eyes smoldered at the camera, and a sexy smirk tugged up one corner of his delicious mouth.

Sienna turned her phone away long before I was done looking. Hot. Damn. Maybe this fake boyfriend wasn’t going to be so bad. I wasn’t looking for love, but the sex with that man had to be good. I was sure we could work something out.



My tight, royal blue halter dress fit me like a glove. I knew I could turn every male head in the room when I wore it. This dress, coupled with soft blonde waves, red lipstick, and silver peep-toe Prada heels, would drive my fake boyfriend crazy.

I stood in front of my full-length mirror and stared at my reflection, waiting to feel satisfied with the face that stared back at me.

Ugh. More lipstick. I needed more lipstick. I had to look perfect. Always.

I grabbed my tube of candy apple red lipstick and applied a fresh coat, but the satisfaction still didn’t come. Nice try, Ava. I rolled my eyes at the woman in the mirror and then forced a smile.

I left my massive closet, pausing to glance over my shoulder at all of my expensive, pretty clothes before heading downstairs. My fame was exhausting but addicting, and I wasn’t ready to give it up. I’d do whatever the hell Jeanie told me to do to keep this lifestyle.

When I reached my living room, Jeanie was already sitting on my white leather sectional. She’d helped herself to a glass of red wine and was typing furiously into her phone. “Kitty and Dominic will be here in fifteen,” she said, without looking up.

“K. Which wine did you open?” I’d planned a white for this evening and was mildly irritated that Jeanie just helped herself.

Jeanie shrugged, eyes still on her phone. “Whatever was in the front of your wine cabinet.” She finally glanced up at me and removed her glasses, scrutinizing the look I’d put together. After a moment, she gave me a curt nod. “Perfect.”

I rolled my eyes. “Obviously. This is what I’m good at, Jeanie. You don’t need to worry about the looks I put together.”

“Just everything else,” Jeanie mumbled, eyes back on her phone.

I shot a glare toward the back of her sleek brown bob and headed for my kitchen. I’d been through a bit of a wild phase recently, but I’d pulled it together. She didn’t need to treat me like a child that just made messes. Besides, the messes I had made in the last couple of years weren’t even that bad. I’d only missed three photoshoots due to hangovers and only had one tryst with an Italian model that was cast in a negative light.

I bit my lip as I poured a glass of white. Okay, the model thing was pretty bad. He was married. I had to go back on my meds after that shit broke.

I headed to my living room with my wine and took a seat. “So, is there anything I need to know about this Dominic guy?”

Jeanie set her phone on my glass coffee table. “He was even more resistant to this idea than you were. He still loves Lucy Macklemore and is positive she will come to her senses and take him back. So don’t get attached.” Jeanie shrugged and drummed her fingers against her knee. “Oh, he’s never dated an American girl, either, so try not to be too, ya know, ‘dumb, loud American’ when you have to spend time together.”

I scoffed and sipped my wine. “I find that hard to believe. How long has he lived in the states?”

“About eighteen months.” Jeanie blinked her tired gray eyes at me. “I didn’t say he hadn’t slept with any American girls, just never dated one.”

“Ugh.” I sipped my wine again. Jeanie had just confirmed that he was an ass. Oh well. I could handle an ass for five or six months at a few public outings. And I’d still fuck him at least once. I’d had plenty of American hotdogs, a little Italian sausage, and one German brat, but I’d never tried British dick before.

When my doorbell rang, Jeanie stood to answer it. I swallowed a big gulp of wine and took a deep breath while I listened to Jeanie and Kitty exchanging pleasantries in my entryway. Then I heard Dominic’s voice and almost dropped my glass. “Evening,” was all he said, but gawd, that accent! I could absolutely deal with that for the next six months.

The two publicists entered my living room first, followed by a big old drink of tall, dark, and handsome. I’d never been such a thirsty bitch in my life. I stood and pasted on what Sienna called my Ava Mills Official smile. I walked toward my new guests, first giving Kitty a single air kiss and extending my hand to Dominic. “Nice to meet you, Dominic.” I let my eyes flick up and down his body, eye-fucking him as obviously as possible. He looked as delicious as I did in a pair of light-wash jeans and a black button-down shirt, rolled up to the elbows. His dark hair was cropped close on the sides but left long and wavy on top, and he had a decent amount of well-manicured scruff.

Dominic offered me a sexy smirk and lifted my hand to his lips. “Charmed, Ava.” He pressed a slow, sensual kiss to my fingers before releasing me.

I gazed up at him through my lashes and bit my lip while Dominic returned the favor and eye-fucked me right back. Hell. Yes. The sex was going to be good. I could already tell. I turned and tossed my blonde hair over my shoulder before Dominic was finished checking me out. Always leave them wanting more. “Kitty, Dominic, can I get you a glass of wine? We have a white… and a red open.”

“I’d love a white!” Kitty followed me into the kitchen, piling her mane of red, corkscrew curls on top of her head and securing them with a clip.

“And you, Dominic?” I glanced over my shoulder at my new fake boyfriend.

“Red. Thanks.” His eyes scanned my expensive rose gold quartz countertops, and one corner of his mouth tugged up in a smirk again. “Pink benchtops then?”

I pursed my lips and placed a hand on my hip. “It’s rose gold quartz, and it cost a small fortune.” I could tell he was making fun of me, but I refrained from tacking on an insult to my explanation. Be charming and sweet. That’s what the people want.

“A small fortune?” Dominic’s handsome face transformed as he chuckled, making him even sexier. “How posh.” He ran his hands across the countertop, grinning.