She did it again— called me Aves. And I’d just called her Si. #friendshipgoals
My phone rang in my pocket, interrupting our conversation. I silenced the call and turned back to Sienna. So many of our problems — the ones that didn’t involve Evan— cropped up when I stopped making time for her. I let myself get wrapped up in the whirlwind that came with my money and influencer status and started treating all the people that mattered like shit. I wouldn’t do that again.
The server, a petite girl with two blonde braids, brought our food over and gave me those shy eyes. She’d kept it together while we were ordering, but I could see it now. She was trying to work up the courage to ask me for a photo. The server smiled and said, “Enjoy your meal!” Her voice sounded breathy, and she wrung her hands together. I almost felt sorry for her. I’m not that special, kid.
“Thank you!” Sienna called after her as the server retreated to the kitchen. “Someone’s a little starstruck.”
I almost rolled my eyes but stopped myself. Now I knew someone was watching, so I had to be on my best behavior. Otherwise, I would never hear the end of it from Jeanie. My phone rang again. This time when I pulled it out to silence it, I checked to see who was calling. Speak of the devil. Jeanie. I sighed and glanced up at Sienna. “It’s my publicist. She’s not going to stop calling until I answer. I’m so so sorry, Si.”
Sienna waved it away. “It’s fine. I moved our lunch up at the last minute. Take the call.”
I gave her a grateful smile and tapped the green icon on my screen. “Jeanie.”
“Ava, I have a new boyfriend for you.” Jeanie always got right down to business.
“I’m sorry, what’s that now? I don’t think I need help finding a boyfriend.” I scoffed.
“Yes, you do. You sleep around with hot assholes that nobody knows. People don’t like that. They want you to be the all-American girl next door like you used to be. You’re inaccessible and unrelatable to a large portion of your followers, and I know exactly how to fix it. You’re going to start dating Dominic Ellis. I have a meeting set up for you—”
“Who?” I interrupted, feeling more than a little pissed off.
Jeanie let out an exasperated sigh. She hated it when I fought her on her ideas. “Dom-in-ic Ell-is.” She enunciated each syllable like I was a dumbass that didn’t understand her. “He’s that UK reality dating show star that just had his heart ripped out. Everyone fucking adores him and wants to see him in love again. I’ve already talked to his publicist, and this arrangement is going to be perfect. You’ll boost each other’s images for six months or so and then amicably split when the job is done.”
“Hell. No,” I said through gritted teeth.
“I’m not asking here, Ava. You’re doing this. You’re losing too much engagement on every social media platform and becoming irrelevant.”
“No need to dance around my feelings or anything.” I rolled my eyes, not giving a fuck about who was watching me at the moment.
“I have a meeting set up for the two of you to discuss this arrangement tomorrow evening. From there, we’ll set up a public meet-cute for you love birds followed by a first date. This is going to work, Ava. Don’t fight me.” Then Jeanie ended the call before I could fight. She knew me so well.
Sienna watched me with raised eyebrows as I slammed my phone down on the table. “That didn’t sound good.”
“My fucking publicist is setting up a fake relationship for me because apparently, people hate me now!” I ran my hands through my hair and fought the urge to scream. What would happen if I just stopped all of this? I could delete all of my social media accounts and dump my makeup in the lake and join the fucking circus or something. But damn it, I loved the money and attention. I wasn’t going to quit.
“Whoa.” Sienna popped a fry into her mouth and then smirked. “I almost feel bad for the guy, whoever he is.”
“Rude!” I gaped at her.
“I’m just saying that an angry Ava Mills is a force to be reckoned with. He’s not going to know what hit him.” Sienna laughed and tossed a fry at me.
I scoffed. “You little asshole.” Then I shot her a sheepish smile.
Amusement danced across Sienna’s gorgeous face. Her teasing already had the tension in my shoulders melting away. God, I missed her.
“What’s his name?” Sienna asked, pulling her phone from her bag. “I think we need to do some research.”
I grinned across the table at my bestie— she was my bestie again. I decided it right then and there. I was claiming her again. “His name is Dominic Ellis.”
Sienna’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes bulged. “You’re kidding!”
I raised an eyebrow. “You know him? I’ve never heard of the guy.”
“You didn’t watch Wild Love?” Sienna still gaped at me.
“Si, I don’t have time for TV.” I rolled my eyes and took my first bite of lunch. I couldn’t eat much. I had to keep my body looking tight and delicious, but this beer-battered cod was fantastic. Shit. I could eat a whole piece, couldn’t I? I’d skip the fries.
Sienna shoved her phone in my face, interrupting my love affair with a piece of fish. “Dom and Lucy won last season, and then she dumped him for some California surfer dude right after he moved to LA to be with her. It’s a whole thing, Aves.”