Page 65 of Sure, Pal

I promise I won’t throw anything at you.

I smiled, despite everything, and replied, Noon today? At Toni’s?

See you soon, Si.

My stomach twisted into knots. This was a terrible idea, wasn’t it?

But I got ready and headed over to the coffee shop anyway. When I arrived, Ava was already seated at a table in the back corner. She gripped a coffee cup and stared out the window. Ava wasn’t glued to her phone or laptop this time.

She was the very image of beauty and perfection in a flowy white top and a black fedora. Her long blonde hair fell in gorgeous beachy waves around her shoulders. It was longer than I’d ever seen it. Ava usually got too impatient to let her hair grow past her shoulders.

I took a deep breath and approached my ex-best friend. I cleared my throat when I reached her. “Hi.”

Ava’s big blue eyes flashed up to meet mine. She stood and reached out her arms like she was going to hug me, then dropped them back to her side. “Hey.” Ava sat again. “Um, I was going to order you something, but I didn’t know what to get. You change your favorite drink like every other day.” A hint of a smile passed her lips.

I offered a hesitant smile in return. “I do. I’m on a matcha kick lately, but it’s almost feeling like a pumpkin spice day. I’ll go order and be right back.”

I approached the counter, and I could feel Ava’s eyes on my back. Toni looked up at me with a warm smile. “Sienna! You going to give us an impromptu matinee?”

I laughed and shook my head. “Nope. I’m meeting a friend, but we’re definitely still on for Friday.” The bar Evan bought wasn’t quite ready to open yet, so I kept up my weekend gigs at all my regular places. I figured even after our bar was open, I’d still play at Toni’s

Toni made me a pumpkin spice latte and rolled her eyes when I tried to pay. “How many damn times do I need to tell you that you get free coffee here?”

I rolled my eyes back at her. “Every damn time, Toni!” I laughed and headed back over to Ava.

I sat across from her. No one spoke. We both sipped our coffee and stared out the window.

Finally, Ava blurted out, “I’m sorry! I was awful to you!” Tears welled up in her big blue eyes. “I… I was irrational and crazy. I threw shit at you like a goddamn toddler having a tantrum! Um, but the worst part was the post I made about you. I basically destroyed your music career. At the time, it seemed completely reasonable, but that was a shit awful thing to do.” Ava gripped her coffee so tight that I thought the lid was going to pop off.

She took a deep breath and continued, “Um, like, Evan told me a million times that it was over between us, but I didn’t want to hear it. I loved him like a fucking psycho, and I wouldn’t let go. God, he probably hates me now.” Ava shook her head and stared out the window. “But I didn’t ask you to come to talk about him.” She turned back to me. “I’m so sorry, Si.”

I nodded and took a sip of my latte. “Uh, yeah. You threw shit at me. That wasn’t cool. And the very public post you made was beyond shitty. I got death threats after that, Ava. I got fucking death threats!”

Ava bit her trembling lower lip and stared at her hands.

Those first few weeks after my fall-out with Ava were hell. The hell would have stretched on and on, too, if it weren’t for Evan. We kept each other afloat.

I sighed and played with a napkin. “But, you didn’t destroy my music career. Your followers weren’t my followers. I’m building things back up the right way, with people that actually like my music. They don’t come to my shows because Ava Mills told them to.”

Ava nodded. “Good. That’s good.” Her voice cracked. She dabbed at her tears with a napkin, trying to keep her make-up perfect. We sat in silence for a moment before she finally said, “You know I was always super jealous of you growing up, right? You were — are— gorgeous and so funny and smart and deep.”

I raised a single eyebrow at her. “I bet it was nothing compared to the jealousy I harbored for you.”

“I don’t know about that. I mean, yeah, I had the guy you loved, but he was never really mine, was he?”

I stared at the shiny table and ran my finger along its edge. Evan had always wanted me. “I guess not.” I sighed. “I always thought you had such a perfect life. You had the guy I wanted, and the parents I wanted, and then eventually, the fame I wanted.” I looked right into Ava’s eyes. “I think our friendship was fucked the second we started loving the same guy, but honestly, I think jealousy is what ruined us.”

Ava let out a dry laugh and wiped another tear away. “See? You’re so smart and deep. I’ve missed your voice of reason in my life. I’m surrounded by people that adore me and tell me what I want to hear. It was amazing at first, but now, it’s getting kind of old.” Ava sighed. “I think I was only ever my true self around you.”

Ava met my gaze with tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry, Sienna.”

I gazed across the table at the girl I’d spent so much of my life with. She defined my high school and college experience, and she brought me a perfect mix of joy and pain. Ava Mills. “I forgive you, Ava. And I hope you can forgive me, too. I should have told you about Evan and me as soon as it happened. I should have told you I had feelings for him before you guys even started dating.”

Ava scoffed. “I wouldn’t have cared. I would have gone after him anyway. I’m selfish like that.” She shrugged. “But, I do forgive you. You guys look genuinely happy together, and I was always jealous of the way you could make him laugh. You and Evan are pretty much perfect together. I mean, there’s a reason I loved you both so much.”

I let out a breath that I felt like I’d been holding for eight months. I’d made my choice, and I didn’t regret it for a second. Evan was it, but I couldn’t help but hope that someday Ava wouldn’t hate me.

“So,” Ava smiled at me. “What do you think? Friends?”

I grinned at her and shrugged. “I don’t know about friends, but at least we don’t have to be mortal enemies.”

Ava burst out laughing. Back in high school, I’d told her about my first impression of her, and the way I was sure I’d just met my new mortal enemy. She reached over to shake my hand. “Deal.”

After I left the coffee shop, I sent a text to Evan. The talk with Ava was good. We aren’t “besties” again or anything, but it was a good honest talk, and she doesn’t hate me anymore. I don’t hate her, either.

He responded immediately. I’m glad. I love you.