Page 47 of Savage Love


I walk over to him and shove the book against his chest. “You put the book back. I wouldn’t want to touch anything else in here in case you lose your friggin’ mind.” I push past him.

“I told you not to come in here,” he says behind me.

I turn around and find him standing in the doorway, clutching the book in both hands. “I told you, this door and that door are off-limits.” He nods to the far end of the hall.

“Yeah, well, unlike you, I don’t care if somebody tells me something is off-limits.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“No, you’re bullshit. This whole situation is bullshit. Look, you didn’t want me to go in there, and I get that what I did was wrong, but if you ever talk to me like that again, I will—” I lose my breath. What will I do? “I’ll leave and never come back.”

“I thought you were doing that anyway.”

“Whatever. You think you’re so smart, Savage. So smart and controlled. I can tell you think I’m, I don’t know, less than you. Not worth your time.”

“That must be why I made you chicken piccata for dinner last night,” he grunts. “Because you’re not worth my time.”

“No, you’re right. You just… keep your distance and then randomly make me my favorite meal that you happened to hear me mention years ago,” I say. “Without any explanation. You acted like you despised me for years. Watched me embarrass myself over and over again. And then you invite me out here, and next thing, you’re telling me actually, you think I’m an amazing person, and here’s your favorite breakfast, next to one of your favorite flowers, and by the way, let me grind my dick into you for a hot minute.” I take a breath. “Do you have any idea how confusing this is? For me? For you? I don’t know what the hell is going on half the time. So I am sorry. Truly. I’m sorry I entered your secret library. I just—I wanted to know you. And that was my mistake.”

He grinds his teeth. Even when he does that, he’s handsome, but I can’t stand the sight of him.

“I’ll just go to the bedroom and stay in there. That way you can protect me just like my brother wants you to, without you having to have me in your home.”

“Hannah,” he says, in that gruff tone. It’s just below a shout.

My hair stands on end, and I march up to him. “What?”

“You—You have no idea why I asked you not to go in there,” he says.

“And whose fault is that?” I ask.

We glare at each other for a moment. He takes a step toward me, but I put up my hands. “Don’t come near me. I don’t want to talk to you right now.” And then I enter his bedroom and slam the door behind me.

It’s ridiculous, but I well up instantly.

I walk to the bed and plop down.

It’s not that Savage is upset I violated his privacy or his rules, or even that he got snappy with me about it. It’s how frustrated I am.

How can one guy send this many mixed signals? And why? Why can’t he just open up to me and tell me what he wants?

I lay back on the bed and let the tears come. Why is life so messed up at the moment?



I’m an asshole.

I shouldn’t have told her not to go into the library. I should have kept the library door locked. Or locked it after my check of the perimeter and the interior of the house. But I didn’t, and I snapped at her.

Fuck. You idiot.

I put the book back on the shelf carefully, then leave the room and shut it behind me.

You shouldn’t care about this.