Page 11 of Savage Love

“You’ve always wanted to learn self-defense, right?”

“I wanted to learn boxing,” I say, after a beat. “But Dad never let me when I was a kid.” And then when I hit adulthood, it felt like there were more important things to do. Like study or manage things at the library or help keep our family together after Mom died.

My throat tightens, and I give June a wobbly smile. “I just can’t stand the thought of it,” I say.

June takes my hand and squeezes. “What, Han?”

She’s older than me, Marci is too, but they’re both my best friends now. “Being around him. I thought I would be over this by now. There’s nothing to get over. It’s so pathetic.”

The girls know about my inappropriate crush. I can’t hide the way I feel from them, and June is sworn to secrecy. She won’t tell Cash anything I say because we’re all about girl code.

“It is not pathetic. The heart wants what it wants. And don’t worry, I’m going to be there,” June says. “I’ll act as an awkwardness buffer or whatever you want to call it. I’ve got your back.”

“You’re the best.”

June and I clink our glasses together and take a drink.

“Ugh, I wish Marci was here,” I say. “Or Belle. I miss her so much.” Belle studied with me during college, which was the only time I ever left Heatstroke.

“I miss her too,” June says. “She was so much fun. Have you heard from Lily? She’s gone super quiet in the group chat.”

“No,” I say. “But I think it’s got something to do with her big secret. The show.”

“You think it’s a show?”

“I mean, probably. It makes sense. She is a reality TV star,” I say. “And knowing my luck, I am too. Just for all the wrong reasons.”

“I’m sure they’re not going to air you spraying Richard Walton with pepper bits.”

I laugh at myself. “Mortifying. But you know what, it’ll make a good story to tell Alex’s kids one day.”

The music changes, and a shadow falls across our table. We look up, and June pulls a face at the sight of Seth Deveraux, his hair cut short, and his eyes sparkling. His gaze slides from June to me.

“Enjoying your evening, ladies?” he asks.

“What’s it to you, Deveraux?” I counter.

My brother hates this guy for buying our dad’s bar, but I think that low-key saved him. If Dad had reopened Chuckles, I doubt he would’ve wound up getting clean. I don’t hate Deveraux, but I don’t trust him either. Then again, I trust a sum total of five men.

Deveraux’s sleeves are rolled up and show off his tattooed forearms. He’s clean-shaven, tall and lean, and good-looking. He knows it, too. “Given that it’s my establishment, I thought I’d check.”

“Your establishment?” June’s jaw drops. “What about Missy?”

“Missy opted to take her much overdue retirement,” Deveraux says. “She’s currently on a cruise to the Bahamas.”

“You can’t just pay everybody off,” I say, taking a sip of wine. I’m feeling brave thanks to the alcohol, which is probably a bad thing, but what the hell. After the pepper fiasco, I’ve pretty much hit rock bottom.

“Can’t I?” he asks. “Money makes the world go around.”

“What about love?” I raise my chin.

“How old are you?” Deveraux frowns at me.

“Old enough to know an ass when I see one,” I reply. “And you, sir, are a donkey of the finest kind.”

“There a problem here?” Cash appears behind Deveraux on the left. Savage on the right.

“Just wishing these ladies a good evening,” Seth says, and then mock strums a guitar at Cash before walking off.