Page 91 of Savage Love

“You’re kidding,” Belle says, “that saying is from that far back?”

“Oh, no. I have no idea where it comes from,” I say. “I was just being a weirdo. It’s kind of my thing. Just like being an insufferable, wounded asshole is Leo’s thing.”

“I’m not sure you should ever say the words “wounded” and “asshole” in the same sentence together,” Belle replies, quirking her eyebrows. “You know, unless you’re a proctologist.”

“I love you,” I say, hugging her again and laughing. “God, I missed you. It’s super selfish, but I’m so glad you’re here.”

“My torture is your joy.”

“So dramatic,” I say.

“I’m serious, Han. I can’t stand being in the same room as him. We’re just such different people,” Belle says.

“Leo’s a good guy,” I reply. “He likes to mess with people, but when my mom got sick, he flew back and spent every day at her side. He helped keep my father from total collapse and Cash too, in his own way.”

Belle licks her lips. “Great. Humanize him. That will make my job easier.”

I punch her elbow, and she grins at me.

“I missed you too, Han.”

We head inside Ganny’s house, and it’s already full of noise and the smells of good cooking. My grandmother totters into the hallway, spots me, and grins from ear-to-ear. “Hannah!” She opens her frail arms, and Belle takes the lasagna from me so I can give Ganny a hug. She smells like her special rose cream and her cheeks are smeared pink with rouge.

“It’s good to see you, Ganny.”

“Oh my, sweet child. I missed you.” Ganny pulls back and smiles at me. She looks older than the last time I saw her. “You know the drill. Dishes in the kitchen as per usual.”

Belle and I walk the lasagna through to the kitchen. June and Cash are in there, him with his arms around her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear and pressing her into the counter. She giggles and runs a hand down his chest.

“Hey,” I say. “This is a house full of rooms. Maybe you guys should find one of them.”

June separates from Cash and gives me a hug. “Hey, Han. How are you? I owe you an apology for missing out on the training?—”

“It’s not needed,” I say.

I should be thanking you.

“How’s Alex?” I ask.

“Oh, the flu? Yeah, it passed pretty quickly. She’s out back playing with Fireball.” The furious yipping of Ganny’s Chihuahua punctuates her words, and Alex’s yell of excitement from the backyard is adorable.

Belle places the lasagna on the counter. Her phone rings, and she takes it out of her pocket then winces. “I’ve got to take this. It’s Mr. Peters.” She steps out of the kitchen with a regretful glance. “Mr. Peters. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I saw the article in the…” Her voice fades as she heads down the hall.

“Fucking Leo,” Cash says.

“Don’t gripe.” June strokes his arm, smiling up at him. “Your brother’s going through it.”

“My brother has been going through it since we were kids. How many excuses are there for being a fucking asshole?”

“And I love you too, Cash.” Leo sticks his head around the doorway to the kitchen, eyes sparkling. My brother oscillates between annoying and charming. “We don’t say it to each other often, but I really missed you.”

Cash’s frown deepens. “What do you want?”

“I don’t want anything,” Leo says, still half hidden. “How about you come outside and we’ll talk about your repressed rage. I bet I can get Ganny to set up the kiddie pool for some wrestling. I heard you let Jesse win the last fight.”

“You—” Cash steps toward Leo, raising a finger.

Leo gives his best shit-eating grin and points a blue plastic water gun at him. He shoots off a stream of something brown, and it hits Cash square on the nose. Cash splutters and runs a hand over his face. “What in the fuck? Is that piss? Did you just squirt piss at my head?”