Page 63 of Savage Love


“You realize you’re going to have to let your sister spread her wings one of these days,” I say.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Savage? Spread her wings? She’s not a baby bird.”

“That’s exactly what I mean. She’s grown. She can handle herself.”

Cash falls silent. “Suddenly, you’re the expert on Hannah?”

“We’ve been talking.”

“Talking?” The word whips out.

“Of course. Unless you expected me to give your sister the silent treatment while she’s here.”

Cash exhales through his nose. “I’m tense. I expected this guy to put up a fight, but he caved. Which is a good thing, because I didn’t particularly feel like going to prison, but if the cops aren’t going to do shit, then fine.”

“What happened, exactly?”

“I arrived here, knocked on his door, and he nearly wet himself looking at me,” Cash says. “He recognized me.”

“Did that help?”

“I think so. Given that I told him I’d out him as a stalker in front of the entire country if he didn’t leave her alone. And then I said the bullet in the brain thing, so yeah,” Cash says. “He pretty much fucking crumpled after that.”

I grunt.

“I deleted her number off his phone, and stood over him while he deleted the many profiles he’d made on different social media sites to talk to her. And I told him that if she so much as hinted at the fact that he had contacted her in any way, I would be back.”

“And he agreed?”

“Yeah,” Cash says. “He has no choice.”

The fact that Cash had to do that is fucked up. That little piece of shit didn’t respect Hannah’s “no”, but because Cash is a man who’s big and scary?—

“It’s over,” Cash sighs.

“So you don’t need me to be your sister’s bodyguard any more, correct?”

“I doubt this guy will do anything after our little chat,” Cash says. “But I don’t want to take any chances. Keep watch over her for the next couple of weeks. Let’s see what happens.”

“You mean until she leaves?”

“I doubt she’ll leave,” Cash says. “Why would she need to now that this stalker is taken care of?”

“Because she wants to.”

“Is there something going on here that I’m missing?” Cash asks. “Seems like you’ve got a lot of opinions about Hannah all of a sudden, and I gotta tell you, buddy, I’m not that comfortable with it.”

“You’ve trusted me for years, haven’t you?”

Cash sniffs. “Yeah. Listen, make sure that she stays safe. Let’s not let our guardsdown now.”

“Are you heading back soon?” I ask.

“Yeah, once the weather clears, and I can get back into Heatstroke.”

“Any news about that?” I ask. “We’ve been cut off for a while.”