Page 50 of Savage Love

Savage lifts his gaze to meet mine. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“No, it’s a terrible idea,” I say. “But there’s nothing else to do, and I can’t concentrate on my book.”


“Because it’s giving me inappropriate thoughts,” I say.

That gets his attention. He sets his laptop on the coffee table and sits up a little straighter. “What kind of drinking game?”

I grin at him. “It’s easy to manipulate you into doing what I want, you know. All I have to do is mention anything related to sex, and you jump like somebody poked you in the ass.”

“You don’t have to manipulate me,” he says. “You just have to ask.”

“Yeah, right.”

“What do you want?” he asks.

And I can almost picture him calling me princess again. I press my thighs together. “If I told you, do you promise to give it to me?”

He takes a sip of his wine.

“That’s what I thought,” I say. “You sir, are scared.”

His lip quirks up at the corner, and my stomach rolls and flutters. I’ve never seen Savage afraid of anything. He’s the picture of control, but this afternoon, when he rubbed himself against me like we were horny teens, I got a peek behind that mask.

I want more.

“What about truth or dare?”

“That’s not a drinking game,” he says.

“Okay, then never have I ever?”

Savage arches an eyebrow at me.

This is juvenile, but there’s nothing else to do. Is it criminal that I want to know more about Savage? He’s so shut off. He won’t answer my questions or even hint at the truth about the library or about the fact that he knew my favorite food and made it for me. It might not seem like a big deal to someone else, but it means something to me.

“Never have I ever,” I start, then bite my lip. “Wait, you know how this works, right? I say never have I ever and the thing, and then if you’ve done it, you have to drink.”

“I’m familiar,” Savage says. “I’m almost forty, not almost seventy.”

“Fair enough,” I laugh. “Okay, uh, never have I ever had sex in a public place.”

Savage takes a sip of his drink. I don’t.

“Revealing,” I say, grinning at him. “Mr. Navy SEAL Bodyguard is a rule breaker.”

Savage studies his glass, then looks up at me. “Never have I ever,” he grumbles, “had a massage.”

I drink, but he doesn’t. “Boring,” I call. “A massage? Seriously?”

“I don’t like people touching me,” he replies.

“That’s not what you said last night.”

He chokes on a little wine and dabs his beard.

I laugh, because it’s fun that I can get under his skin. Painful, but fun. And it’s given me an idea. “Never have I ever stripped for someone.”