Page 42 of Savage Love

And that’s exactly what he’s made.

Savage places the plate in his lap and starts eating.

I drink my coffee and stare at him. “This is really nice of you,” I say. “I appreciate the?—”

Savage gets off the couch and goes over to the leather armchair across from me. He sits down and continues eating, acting as if I don’t exist.

“All right,” I say. “Nice talk.”

I lift the plate into my lap, cut into my breakfast and take a bite. I moan and roll my eyes. “Oh my God, Savage, this is just perfect.”

His chewing slows as he watches me eat.

“Like unreal. You’re a great cook. Where did you learn to?—?”

“Road’s out.”

“You say what now?”

“The road is out. We’re going to be stuck here for a while.”

“Oh.” I keep eating and frown. “Listen, about last night?—”

“We’re not going to talk about that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“You don’t want to talk about me sitting on top of you, naked?” I sigh. “What an unexpected surprise. I can’t believe you, Savage, chatterbox that you are, doesn’t want to talk about it.”

Silence. He eats his breakfast and occasionally glares at me over the table, frowning like I’ve offended him.

“So…” I take a sip of water and set the glass down on the coffee table. “What are we going to do today? It’s not like I can leave.”



“I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself for the times when I am not around.”

“Which will be soon, since I’m leaving,” I say.

He takes another bite of food.

“Okay, that’s great, actually. I’ve always wanted to learn to fight, but my father and Cash would never let me. They were afraid I was going to collapse or something.”


“Uh, well, when I was a kid, I had cancer,” I say. “So, I got really sick, and I was pretty frail for a while. They didn’t really want me doing much after that, which I get, but, you know, it’s been years now.”

“You’re fine?” Savage asks. “You went into remission?”

“Yes, thankfully,” I say. “But I get tested once or twice a year, just to be safe.”

“I’m sorry, Hannah. I didn’t know.”

“Not a lot of people do. I don’t talk about it much, and it’s why I kind of get that Cash is so overprotective. He is the oldest out of everyone, and he was probably the most conscious when it was happening. I think it was really scary for him.”