Page 39 of Savage Love

“I’ll try.” Her voice is shaking, but her body warms against mine.

She slides her leg up my thigh.



“Stop moving.” I’m already hard just lying next to her. Now that she’s pressed up against my side, my dick is throbbing.

“Sorry, just trying to get warm and comfortable.”

I grunt.

Her breathing evens out and slows, and I relax a little. I’m out of the danger zone now that she’s dropped off, but the sweet floral scent of that perfume on her skin drives me crazy. I force myself to focus on my duties as a bodyguard.

I listen to the rain and the thunder. The ranch house creaks and groans around us, and the wind picks up, but I’m listening for smaller sounds. Movements. Anything that can be a threat to her.

The thought of her in danger has me tense.

Hannah sighs in her sleep. She shifts her leg up my body to get more comfortable, and it brushes over my cock. I tense as she rests her thigh on top of my length.

Gently, I take her leg and move it down, hoping it won’t wake her, but when I shift my gaze to her face, her eyes are open, glistening in the dark.

“Sleep,” I say.

“Savage,” she whispers.

“Sleep.” I am fast losing control of this situation.

“I don’t want to sleep,” she whispers.

Fuck, this is bad. This is so fucking bad. “But you need to sleep, Princess.”


I clench my jaw.

Hannah shifts her leg over my cock, and it pulses in response to the contact. “You won’t and can’t touch me, is that right?”

I lie there, biting down so hard my teeth might crack.

“That’s unfortunate,” she whispers, pressing her nose against my throat and exhaling the words against me.

“Are you trying to torture me?” I grate it out.

“It would be nothing compared to what you’ve done to me over the years.”

“What have I done to you, Hannah?”

“It’s not so much what you’ve done,” she whispers against my throat, her lips on my skin. Not a kiss. Just words. No rules broken. “It’s how you’ve made me feel.”

“I’ve never tried to make you?—”

She shifts her body so quickly, I don’t react in time. She’s on top of me, straddling me.

Fuck. Hannah is straddling me, and she sits up in the dark, pressing the warmth of her pussy against my dick. We’re both fully clothed. She’s got those silk shorts, I’ve got my gray sweats, but I can still feel her, and she can feel me.

“Princess.” The warning springs out of me, along with the word I shouldn’t say.