Page 35 of Savage Love


“Out of range of gunshots.”

“Gunshots?” She gasps.


I sit in the armchair with my laptop, even though I want to tear through the window and rip out someone’s throat with my bare hands. The key to being a good bodyguard is constant assessment, it’s remaining calm under pressure, and I can’t let my weird… whatever the fuck it is that I feel toward Hannah get in the way of keeping her safe.

“Savage?” she whispers. “What if there’s someone out there? What do we do then?”

“You do nothing,” I say. “I’ll protect you.”

Hannah doesn’t answer, and I focus on my laptop screen. I don’t have wifi thanks to the power outage, but I have a copy of the video footage leading up to the power outage—I make sure that the cloud downloads a backed up copy to my laptop every five minutes.

I open the video footage from the camera that’s outside my bedroom and scroll through it rapidly.

No lights of approaching cars after Hannah arrived.

There. A guy in a hoodie approaching the window. I can’t make out his features, but he was there. I scan him, taking in what I can about potential height and weight. His hands are in his pockets. Baggy clothing. Could be armed.

It could also be a homeless person who was looking for help and who got spooked when Hannah screamed.

But I can’t take that chance until I hear back from Cash. He left this morning, ahead of the storm, to get to Hannah’s stalker.

“Savage? Was there actually a guy out there?”

“Yes.” I shut the laptop lid and set it on the chest. I get up and lay the pillow and blanket out on the floor. It’s already getting real fucking cold in here, real fast. “Do you need anything?” I ask. “Do you need a glass of water?”

“No, I’m fine,” she whispers.

“Good. For your safety, I’m going to sleep on the floor over here.”

Hannah swallows. “But?—”

“I think it’s for the best. You’re safe with me.”

Hannah presses her lips together and doesn’t say anything more. She gets into bed and pulls the covers up to her chin, staring at the ceiling. She’s shaking, and the rain and lightning continues, rumbling overhead.

Once the weather clears and the power is back on, I’ll deal with the threat outside. Until then, I have to stay with her, in the same room, and it doesn’t matter that it’s pure torture. I will do anything to keep Hannah safe.



I hold the covers up to my chin and try not to shiver too loudly. Not that a person can shiver loudly or anything, but it is so friggin’ cold in this room, and I’m spooked about what happened. Spooked isn’t even the right word. I’m freaked out. Fully freaked out.

Because there was a guy out there.

Up until now, I figured this Franklin dude was creepy, but I didn’t think he’d go through with coming all the way out here.

Cash was right. Damn it, I hate it when he’s right.

And he’ll never let me live it down, either. Assuming Franklin’s not going to chainsaw me to death or something. Eugh.

It’s been fifteen minutes since Savage lay down on the floor out of sight, and I can’t stop thinking about him either.

He moves at the end of the bed, but doesn’t get up.