Page 29 of Savage Love

Are you guys safe out there?

I think so, yeah. I mean the house is cozy, so that part’s fine. But June…

I know, Han, but you’re going to make it through this, okay? It’s just a couple of nights.

Try one.

They say the storm is going to last a couple of days.

I’m choosing not to believe that.

Because that meant a couple of days with Savage. Alone. And that was so not happening.

A door slams in the hall, and I tuck my phone back into my purse and try to arrange myself in a way that looks natural and not like I’m having a mini-heart attack. I place my hands on my lap and sit up straighter. This is how people sit, right?

He heard you. He totally heard you.

Nope, not today Satan-brain.

I am not going there right now!

Savage enters the living room wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a tight white T-shirt, his hair still damp from the shower, and then it hits me. The universe hates me. It actually hates me, because I can see everything.

Savage’s sweatpants leave nothing to the imagination. There are ridges. There are shapes. Very large shapes.

He clears his throat, and I lift my gaze to his face. “You want something to eat?”

Is that a trick question?


“Sure. It’s getting late. I was going to run through some moves with you guys before dinner, but the storm fucked that idea.”

“Uh, yeah! That would be great. Thanks.” I get up and wipe my hands on my yoga pants. I figured we’d spend most of the day training, so I’d only need the yoga pants, underwear, PJs, shirts, that kind of thing. “Do you need any help?”

Savage’s gaze wanders to my legs, then back to my face. “No.”

“I believe you mean, ‘no, thank you.’”

“I mean, no. No. Stay on the sofa. Where you are. That is what I mean.”

“Wow. Look, you don’t want to do this any more than I do, but there’s no need to be rude,” I say.

“I’m not being rude. I’m being practical,” he says. “Stay out of the kitchen.”

“You worried I’m going to cut myself, and you’ll have to report back to my brother?”

He sweeps that hot brown gaze over me again. “That is the least of my worries.” And then he walks into the kitchen and starts opening cupboards and slamming pots around.

What do I do?

I open my purse and root around inside until I find my eReader, then I bring it out and switch it on, tucking my legs underneath myself.

But reading only makes me think of what Savage is reading, and his gray sweatpants, and the way he doesn’t want me near him. I’m spiraling so hard I can barely breathe.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” Savage asks.

“That would be nice, thank you.” I don’t look up from my book, even though I’ve read the same line like fifty times over. “You know, the storm won’t last that long. I can be out of here before you know it.”