Page 16 of Savage Love

There are plenty of places to hide, an escape route over that fence, and it’s dark. This will have to be remedied.

I open the dumpsters, check around them, jog up the stairs and back down them, and make sure the area is clear.

I walk back to the car and open her door.

“What are?—?

“You’re going to listen to me,” I say, “and you’re not going to talk. Understand?”

She glares, her beautiful eyes narrowed almost to slits. My cock throbs in my jeans, and I want to punch a hole through a wall because of it.

“Understand?” I repeat.

“I’m confused,” Hannah says, “do you want me to talk or not?”

“Just say you understand.”

“Fine.” She sweeps a hand through the air. “I understand.”

I grunt. “The entrance to your building isn’t safe. From now on, I will be escorting you in and out of it. I don’t want to hear any complaints. You’ll move quickly and do as I say. If I say get down, you get down. If I say run, you run. Got it?”

She presses her lips into a thin line.

“Confirm that you got it.”

“But that would be breaking rule number one,” she says. “No talking. Because I’m a mute woman who needs to be cared for by a big strong man.”

“I don’t like it any more than you do,” I say.

Her expression shifts, a drawing downward of her brows, a widening of her eyes, and then she shakes her head. “Yeah.”

I hate this shit.

I’m aware that Hannah has a crush on me. Or she did. Seems like she hates me tonight.

Either way, it’s never going to happen. I won’t allow it.

I exhale. “There could be a fucking psycho with a knife in your dumpster, or waiting at the top of the stairs, and until that issue has been resolved, you’re going to do what I say.”

“How is the issue going to be resolved?” she asks.

Big foot in my big mouth.

Cash wouldn’t want his sister in on this shit.

“You said you were leaving town, didn’t you?” I ask, deadpan.


She slips out of the car, handbag over her shoulder, phone in hand.

“Follow me, and move fast.”

I lead her toward the entrance and up the stairs. Once we hit them, I walk behind her, creating a protective barrier between her and the stairs, my gaze fixed on the empty landing.

Hannah pauses on the steps and looks around. “This is crazy. You and Cash are out of your minds, I swear.”

“You have a stalker.”