Page 14 of Savage Love

I do watch her while she walks away, and I hate myself during every second of it.

Cash doesn’t want Hannah to know I’m her makeshift fucking bodyguard because she’ll react exactly like this, and I don’t blame her. I’d lose my shit if someone tried to watch over me. But I’m also qualified to protect myself.

I follow Hannah through the bar, but she doesn’t head back to the table where June and Cash have their heads together. She’s moving toward the exit, fast, and I can’t let her out of my sight.

Fuck, a part of me wants to go over to Cash and tell him this is not going to happen. She doesn’t want a bodyguard, she doesn’t even want to stay in this town, but the other part, the one that takes over whenever she’s close by, is nudging me relentlessly.

I war with myself as I stride out of Longhorn’s and into the parking lot.

The sea salt on the air is punctuated by the wash of waves on the beach, the thump of music from the bar. My senses take it in, but I home in on her.

Hannah stands near the road, her phone in hand, shaking her head. “Unbelievable,” she mutters. “What an ass.”

I walk up behind her. “Talking to yourself?”

Hannah screams and throws up her hands, her phone flips end over end and lands in the dirt. She glares back at me, her blue eyes flashing hot, and then picks up her phone.

“You all right?”

“You mean, apart from you scaring the pants off me?”

I scan her body, and grit my teeth.

She takes a step back, eyes widening, her heel hits the tarmac on the street, and I grab her by the elbow and pull her out of harm’s way.

Her skin is soft, and I fucking despise how my body reacts. A grinding heat that works its way up my arms, through my chest, and travels straight to my dick.

I release her and wipe my hand on my jeans.

She stares at the spot I wiped and makes a noise in her throat. “Right,” she says. “Right. I’m leaving.”

“I’ll give you a ride.”

“No, I’m leaving,” she says. “And you’re staying here with my brother and June. We both know you have no desire to be my bodyguard, and I don’t want a bodyguard either, so let’s just stop the friggin’ madness and move on with our lives.”

I fold my arms.

She tilts her head, her glossy dark locks chasing over her cheek, resting against her throat. I picture brushing them away and kissing that soft, supple, delicate neck. Closing my hand around it, pressing her against a wall, dominating her.

She is ten years younger than you. She is your best friend’s sister. You swore.

“What?” she asks. “Why do you always look like that? Like you’re about to rip somebody’s head off.”

“I made a promise to your brother,” I say.

“And you just do everything my brother says?”

“I’ll take you home. You can’t drive.”

“And you can?”

“Yes,” I say. “I haven’t had anything to drink.”

She bites her bottom lip, and she’s killing me.

“You know what?” Hannah lifts her phone and starts tapping away on the screen. “I think I’ll just call Todd. I’ll come by and get my car tomorrow, because I can’t deal with Cash right now, and I certainly don’t want to deal with this.” She shakes her hand toward me. “And, ugh. Just ugh.”

“What’s the problem? Your brother cares about you. He wants you to be safe.”