Page 107 of Savage Love

I try to wet my lips and swallow.

“Want to know what it is?”

I inch toward the door.

My attacker steps calmly in front of me. “He betrayed us to the cops,” he says. “So that he could forget his fucking sins, and run off to this bumfuck nowhere town to start a new life. He thought he hid himself good.” He snorts, nostrils flaring. “And that’s where he was wrong. Savage took everything from me. And now, I’m going to take everything from him.”

I raise my fists and pull back for another punch, but he’s too fast for me.

He catches my fist in his palm, then twists my arm. “You and I,” he says, “are going to sit down, and have a nice little chat with Savage.”



My phone buzzes in my pocket. Caller ID hidden. It’s Davis. It has to be.

I don’t answer, because it’s not going to achieve anything. I called the cops on my way over. Fuck safe driving, fuck everything. I’m half-naked, driving like a maniac, because if anything happens to Hannah, I will lose my mind.

I will lose it all.

He’s got her.

Adrenaline courses through my veins as I tear down the street and pull to a stop outside Bagel’s Bakery. I leap out of my SUV and dart up the stairs.

I reach the door and listen for any sounds of movement, or of Hannah inside, but there’s nothing.

I’m coming.

I kick the door open with such force that it rebounds off her apartment wall and march into the room. Davis is seated beside Hannah on the sofa. He’s got his arm around her shoulder, and a knife in his hand pressed to her throat.

Hannah’s blue eyes are wide and filled with fear that makes me sick. I want to reach into my pocket for the bracelet, but I won’t.

My vision tunnels on Davis, and the smile he’s wearing.

“Savage,” he says. “You didn’t really think I wouldn’t find you, did you? I know you called your buddies in the cops. Guess you’re not the only one with friends high up. I’ve been out for months.” He laughs.

I didn’t go into a protection program, even though I should have. I didn’t plan on living through the night when I arrived in Heatstroke. I was going to throw myself off that fucking cliff and never look back, because there was nothing left to live for.

Now, I have everything to live for, and she’s sitting next to a murderer.

Rage like no other rises inside me, and I take a step toward him.

“Nuh-huh,” Davis says, tapping the blade against Hannah’s throat. “One step closer and you’re going to end her life.”

“Let her go.” I am helpless in this situation.

As helpless as I was when Charlotte was attacked, and I was out of the country.

My senses are tuned to a fine point. Every micro-expression on Davis’ face, the beads of sweat near his hairline, the skull tattoo on his neck that dances and moves when he talks or swallows.

“Let. Her. Go,” I say.

“Or what? What are you going to do, Savage?” he asks. “Hannah and I have been having a nice little chat. Isn’t that right, Hannah? Or should I call you, Princess?”

I grind my teeth.

“You’re not as sly as you think, Savage. Christ, even during a storm, it was easy to spy on you two.”