“I’m getting into a bath with a CBD bath bomb and a new book on my ereader and hopefully I’ll get out of the tub before I completely pass out. But that’s me.”
She looked me up and down and for a second I wondered if she was checking me out before she looked away.
“I do have some edibles I’ve been saving for whatever reason,” she said. “And I have the latest Lexi Starr book burning a hole in my ereader.”
My ears perked up at that name. “You like Lexi Starr books?”
“I do. You know her?” she asked, meeting my eyes and daring me to challenge her for reading the sapphic erotica author.
“I do know her. What would you say if I told you that my sister’s girlfriend works for her?” I asked.
“I’d say you were probably full of shit,” she said.
I grinned in triumph. “Well, she does. The author is actually the best friend of my sister’s girlfriend’s former coworker.” It took a second for me to make the connection, but it was there.
Lacey’s eyes widened. “I’m not even going to begin to try and figure that situation out.”
“Everyone seems connected around here,” I said. “Anyway, if you wanted a signed book or something, I could probably get my hands on one through Kai. She helps manage the subscription box.”
“Really?” she asked, and her face brightened up for maybe the first time I’d ever seen.
“Sure, hold on.” I pulled out my phone and sent Kai a message asking if she could get her hands on some signed Lexi Starr books for Lacey.
To help you woo her? Absolutely. Which ones are her favorite? Kai responded. I wasn’t going to argue with her about the wooing part.
“She wants to know which ones are your favorites,” I told Lacey. She listed a few titles and I sent that to Kai.
“She says that she’s got a few special edition extras she can give you too,” I said, relaying Kai’s response.
“That’s way too much,” Lacey said. “I can’t take a whole bunch of free books.”
Kai seemed to have anticipated her resistance. “She says that you’re doing her a favor by taking them off her hands.”
Lacey huffed and shook her head. “I know I should protest more and offer to pay for them, but I’m not going to look gift books in the spine.”
A surprised laugh burst from my mouth.
“Sometimes I’m funny,” Lacey said as I got control of myself.
“Sometimes you are,” I said and found myself leaning closer to her, but the wild thing was, she was leaning toward me too.
“I should let you get to your bath,” she said, her voice soft and low. Fuck. She was so hot.
“Right,” I said, and Lacey finally stepped away from me. “Let me know how the Lexi Starr book is. I’m so behind on her series.”
“I will,” she said. “And if you know of other authors that write like she does, send them my way.”
“Okay,” I said, already thinking of several names. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Lacey said as we walked out to our respective vehicles.
My stomach fluttered all the way home.
* * *
Instead of reading my book in the bath, I went through my digital bookshelves and found every single book that I thought Lacey might like if she was a Lexi Starr fan. I had to cut myself off when I had thirty titles on my list because that might be a little excessive. Instead, I picked my top five and decided to tell her about them tomorrow.
My body ached from the painting and the bath bomb was doing its job to chill me out, but my mind was wide awake. Today Lacey had told me about her divorce, I’d learned that she read sapphic books, and then we had that leaning moment. Of course, the last thing was probably just in my head. Still, it had been a weirdly good day. One of the best I’d had in a while.