Page 27 of Sycamore Circle

“One thing at a time, right? So, where do you need to go?”

“Walmart and the library.”

“You need to go to the library?”

Chance looked away. “Yeah.”

“What, you out of reading material or something?” he joked.

“Yeah, no. Sorry for the trouble, but I’m supposed to meet someone there.” Still not meeting his gaze, he added, “I’ll likely be there an hour or so.”

Feeling like he was being taken down a road he had no intention of going, Bo paused before shifting the vehicle into reverse. “Who are you meeting?”

“It’s a woman.”

Now he was simply getting irritated. “I’m not driving you around for hookups, buddy.”

“What?” His voice rose. “It ain’t like that at all.”

“What is it like?”

“It’s... well, she’s a tutor. A reading tutor. This is the first time I’m meeting her.”

Everything was starting to make sense. Taking care to keep his voice soft, he said, “You can’t read, Chance?”

“I can read some. Not much. Enough to get by.” The kid was looking anywhere but at Bo. “When I told Lincoln about how I didn’t read too good, he said I ought to look at getting some help, on account of me needing to stay busy anyway.”

Telling himself that there was likely a whole lot of reading tutors in the area, Bo nodded. “Tell me where to go. Which one is it?”

Chance named the street and Bo calculated his route, turning at the next light. “You all right with taking me there? Boss said it wasn’t too far.”

“I’m fine, and he was right. It’s close.”

The kid looked even more uncomfortable. “Thanks for doing this. I know this probably ain’t how you want to spend your day, but if you hadn’t been able to take me, I would’ve had to cancel.”

“I wasn’t doing too much. Besides, this is important. I’m guessing that that phone call to get a tutor wasn’t easy.”

For the first time, a hint of a smile appeared on his face. “Oh, man. I was sweating like a pig when I called and then told her what I needed help with. I don’t think I was even that nervous when I got arrested.”

Bo chuckled. “The first time you do something, it’s always hard. That was real good that you called.” He pulled into the library parking lot.

“Thanks. Ah, I’m not sure how long I’ll be.”

“I’ll come in. And don’t worry, I won’t sit and watch. I’ll go read a magazine or something.”

“All right.”

Bo followed Chance in, letting him take the lead. The kid looked scared to death, staring around the big room.

But then Bo saw Joy. “I think that’s her,” he said.

Joy recognized him. Her eyes widened as she got to her feet. “Bo?”

“Joy. I can’t believe it.” His insides seemed to slide back into place as her expression warmed. Suddenly, he was even prouder to know her—and a little proud to be doing something small to help a man learn to read too.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m doing a little bit of chauffer service today.” Remembering that Chance was standing next to him and growing more confused by the second, Bo added, “Any chance you’re waiting here for a new student?”