“You didn’t tell them, did you?”
“Of course not,” she snapped. “I was so embarrassed.”
“So you packed up and moved here?” Realization hit. “You told your parents you were breaking up with him because you lost the job and needed to try out new places. You were punishing them for choosing him over you.”
“For all the good it did,” she grumbled.
“And he never contradicted your version of events?”
“Please. He probably thanked the Lord I didn’t rat him out.”
Even in her attempt at retaining her pride, it had worked out in Preston’s favor. Had he been devious enough to plan it that way? Perhaps. No wonder she’d jumped on him as a suspect. Dru’s theory about him being behind the spellbook scam was a lot more plausible now that I knew the details.
But I couldn’t put all my bets on one person with only circumstantial evidence.
After taking another long, refreshing gulp of my drink, I brought out my phone and checked my list of suspects. It was depressingly long.
“What’s that?” Dru asked.
“My list of suspects.”
Her expression soured. “I’m telling you, it’s the bastard.”
“He’s on top of the list.” Literally. “See?” I showed her the screen.
Dru took my phone and swept upward. “You made it a to-do list?”
“Easier to cross people off.”
She muttered something about someone saving her from his hell and kept browsing, then stilled. “Hope.”
“Why am I on the list?”
“Everyone is a suspect.”
“You think I slipped you a note under the door while I was talking to Sonia with you?”
“You could have a partner,” I pointed out. “Maybe you’re back with Preston and are helping him mess with me. Hey, your demon horns are peeking out.” I hurried to tap on the check mark by her name, and Dru was immediately crossed out as a done task. “There,” I added brightly, “I just forgot to eliminate you, that’s all.”
“Am I on the list?” Key asked. She’d come around the fire pit to take a drink from her water bottle. I’d told her about the note and the call and asked her to keep an eye out for Preston. She’d looked extremely pleased at my request.
“Of course you’re on the list,” I lied.
Key brightened, obviously delighted to be included as someone worth investigating.
Dru pursed her lips but said nothing.
“What are you planning on doing?” Key asked.
“Yeah, oh great mastermind,” Dru drawled. “What’s your next move?”
I tapped my phone on my thigh. “Tomorrow, I’m going to talk to some people, see if Preston visited them, and try to get a feeling of where they stand about him.”
“I already talked to some friends,” Dru said. “They’ll let me know if he makes any weird moves.”
“Doesn’t hurt for me to try too.” It’d provide me with a good excuse to ask around about Bagley’s accountant, maybe get an appointment with him.