Page 74 of Long Time Gone

“It’s Annabelle’s. The Nikon FM10 I gave her that summer.”

“Why is that strange?”

“Because this wasn’t with Annabelle’s belongings when we cleared out the house.”

“Are you sure? It was nearly thirty years ago.”

“I’m sure. I gave it to her as a birthday present, and I wondered where it went. Part of me figured that if Annabelle had gone on the run, she’d have taken it with her.”

“We both know Annabelle didn’t go on the run.”

Nora nodded.

“Then how did her camera end up in the box if she didn’t leave it at her house?”

Nora looked at Sloan and then back to the camera, turning it over as if holding an ancient relic. “I don’t know.”

Nora twisted the camera one last time and then pulled it close to examine it.

“Son of a gun,” Nora said. “There’s still a roll of film in here.”

“In the camera?”


Sloan stood. “Are there photos on it?”

“It shows three shots remain. That means there’re twenty-one undeveloped photos in here.”

“A continuation of what’s here,” Sloan said, pointing to the photos that covered the table. “From the day we all disappeared, right? They have to be from the same day.”

Nora’s lips remained separated, slack-jawed by what they’d discovered. “Let’s find out.”

Sloan’s stomach roiled with anxiety and a foreboding sense that the mystery of her life was about to be uncovered.

“What’s wrong?”

Sloan shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just nervous, I guess. To see what’s on the photos.”

“We don’t have to look at these.”

“Of course we do. Can we develop them in the darkroom?”

“Yes. But only if you’re sure.”

“Let’s go.”

They heard the back door open.

“Nora?” Ellis said as he walked into the studio. “We’re ready, but we’ve got to leave now. The news crews are still outside the house, but my parents are leaving through the maintenance road behind the property.”

“I had Sloan pack her things,” Nora said, pointing to Sloan’s suitcase.

“Perfect,” Ellis said, wheeling Sloan’s suitcase to the back door. “I’ll put this in the car.”

“What about Annabelle’s photos?” Sloan asked in a whispered voice.

Nora took the camera and stuffed it into her bag.