Rose looped her hands around his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips. “He’s been convinced by the Queen that the curse will punish you the way it punished him if you are allowed to find an avenue around it the way he did with your mum. She’s persuaded the King that forcing you to follow through with an arranged marriage is the only way to protect you from future pain.”
Scott let out a soft bitter laugh. “A curse that dictates the path of our hearts is medieval. Father was on to something when he tried to beat it by marrying Mum. A woman who made him feel different than all others he’d been with. A woman his gut told him would be his true love if not for the curse. He should encourage me to do the same. Although Father never knew the full emotion of love with Mum, they made it work. She accepted that flaw in him and loved him anyway. He should want me to find someone who makes me feel different. Someone who sees my flaws and shrugs because my unflawed parts are enough.”
He thought of Doc, her fiery spirit, and how she challenged him to be a better man. A woman that his brain had been whispering, she could be the one.
“I agree, but you didn’t see his face or hear his tone when he sent me to bring you home,” Rose said softly. “There will be no leniency.”
“I refuse to cave,” Scott bit out while trying to not look like he wanted to commit murder. “We’ll find another way. I realize Father is trying to protect me from future pain, but by doing so, he’s sentencing you and Mark to broken hearts.”
The server brought them their drinks and took their orders before either one of them said another word.
Scott raised his glass. In Shiretopia, it was bad luck not to toast. “To beating the patriarchy.”
Rose bit her bottom lip. “I won’t play Russian Roulette with the life of the man I love. We will do whatever it takes to free him.” She clinked glasses with him.
“The life of the man we both love. He’s my best friend,” Scott responded. “Please tell me you have a plan that doesn’t involve our ending up facing one another at an altar.”
Rose leaned in and spoke softly. “Mother believes if we were to find the antidote that breaks the curse, it would make our marriage unnecessary, because the King would then—and only then—allow his first-born son the chance to find the love of his heart.”
The burden of his family’s legacy, and the curse’s chains, weighed him down like an anchor. If an antidote was going to be found, it would have happened by now. “How does your mother know of our plan?” Scott asked. Was that how Mildred had found out? Had Rose’s mother gone to the Queen?
“I needed someone to talk to, and she’s always been my most trusted confidant outside of Mark.”
“The antidote to the curse is nowhere to be found. The best detectives have searched for it and come up empty. I even shared the details of the curse with a friend who has unique sources not available to the rest of us, in the hopes that if anyone could come through, it would be her.”
“And could she?”
He shook his head. “The last we spoke, no.”
“Then you must come home with me,” Rose said.
“And do what?” he asked.
“We’ll get married but not consummate the marriage. This will allow our vows to be dissolved when the day comes that the antidote is discovered.”
“And if it’s not discovered in our lifetime?”
“I choose to manifest its discovery. I believe the antidote will be discovered before we’re forced to say I do.”
“Manifest?” That sounded like something Doc would believe in.
“If curses can happen, manifestations can happen,” Rose said confidently.
His phone vibrated. He’d had it on do not disturb all day and didn’t recall taking it off. He took it out and read the message.
I have something to give you. A wedding gift. Can we meet?—Lux
Fuck. Of course she’d been following today’s media circus. She knew about Rose.
He reread the message and noticed it had been sent hours ago. He could only wonder what Doc been thinking or even imagining at being ignored for so long. He should have told Doc he was betrothed. Explained the situation. Without that information, she’d probably spent the day believing he’d known all along he’d be getting the hell out of their bed this morning long before she awoke and reuniting with the woman he supposedly wanted to marry.
He glanced at Rose. When it came down to it, he’d never allow his best friend to stay in prison. And right now, it looked very much like it had come down to it. “There’s something I need to take care of before I return to Shiretopia.”
Rose let out a soft sigh. “Then you will come back with me? You won’t allow Mark to stay in prison? You’ll give up your freedom for his?”
“We’re the Three Musketeers. We protect one another. Of course I will,” Scott said. Which meant he’d also give up Doc…for now. But not forever.
“And Scott?”