He jerked. “Doc, as tempting as that is, I want to come in that tight little pussy of yours.”
Before she could respond, he spanked her ass, and she cried out. “Fuck.”
“Do you want to use your safe word?” he asked.
Once the initial shock wore off, she realized something. If she’d been turned on before, she was really, really turned on now. Who knew getting spanked could feel so damn sexy? “That wasn’t very nice,” she said in a pouty voice. “I wasn’t done bargaining.”
He spanked her again.
She groaned.
He spanked harder.
Her sex quivered in delight. “Now I feel the need to be extra naughty just to prove a point,” she said, practically begging for the spankings to continue.
The next spank startled her with how hard it landed.
“Ouch.” She scrambled off his lap and glared at him. “That one hurt.”
“Jesus Christ, Lux,” he said, pushing her back onto the bed. “You can’t say something like that to a rake and expect him to respond like a prince.” His mouth came down on hers in a hot, demanding kiss, while his hard cock slid inside of her, causing her to gasp.
Her last thought before she came the first time, but definitely not the last time, was that he’d called her Lux. Not Doc.
He was as rattled as she was.
Lux, her eyes still heavy with sleep and her body languid from the remnants of last night’s lessons in filthy sex that had gone on for hours, stretched cautiously in the plush bed, noting the areas of her body that were not their normal perky selves.
Outside of the obvious area which hadn’t seen any action in a very long time, her butt hurt, her leg muscles were sore, and her skin tingled from so much nipping, and nibbling, and the scraping of five o’clock shadow burn.
All-in-all, it was a night that could only be described as pivotal. Just as Scott had predicted. Pivotal in that it shredded the judgy love curtains she’d been hiding behind for years, leaving her with glimpses of other, viable ways to look at relationships.
Case in point, while she didn’t fully buy into love at first sight, she was now facing the definite plausibility of love at first orgasm. A thought that both terrified her and… Well, no, that was it. Terrified for the win.
Reminding herself she was in charge of her thoughts and had the power to switch them to a new channel, she inhaled a deep breath of bravery. Exhaling her fear, she rolled over and reached for Scott. He’d get a kick out of her musings. After all, wanting to talk about last night would be a natural progression from their uninhibited exploration. A way to bring them back to some semblance of balance.
Her breath whooshed out. The other side of the bed was deserted. She patted the spot where Scott should be and found the sheets cool to the touch. Disappointment hit her in the stomach. “I hope you’ve gone to fetch me some coffee,” she said, putting an optimistic spin on his desertion. Scott, the consummate charmer, could very well do something like that.
Then again, last night—perfect as it was—had been about fulfilling a fantasy. Her fantasy. A dirty-filthy-one-night-stand fantasy.
What would a rake do after delivering such a night? She threw her arm over her eyes to block out the harsh light of day as the answer came to her.
He’d slip away while she slept, avoiding any sentimental goodbyes or confessions. Being the heartbreaker he was, he would have learned that lesson over the years.
Knowing what she’d find before she ever searched for it, she leaned up on her elbows and made herself look.
There it was. The dreaded note left behind on the bedside table.
Maybe he really did go out for coffee, said the part of her brain still clinging to a sliver of hope that morning orgasms were in her vagina’s future. She grabbed the note and flopped backward on his pillow to read it.
Mysterious Beauty,
Our shared night was a thrilling escape from the ordinary. A memory I will cherish.
Dawn calls me away. May fate smile upon us again.
The Man from the Bar