Page 30 of RAKEish

“But hey, it’s all part of the learning process, right?” he said. “And for what it’s worth, I think you showed a lot of courage pushing through despite the beginning blunder. Not everyone can recover on their feet so quickly.”

Lux managed a small, wry smile, appreciating Scott’s attempt to lighten the mood. “Thanks, I guess. Next time, I’ll stick to hello. Or maybe just a friendly wave from afar.”

Scott’s laughter was warm and infectious, and Lux found herself laughing along, the remnants of her embarrassment melting away. “You know,” Scott said, his eyes twinkling, “there’s something quite charming about a woman who can laugh at herself.”

Lux raised her brows. Did it mean anything that they both found that an attractive quality in a person? “Endearing or not, let’s not forget this is a winner takes all challenge. One of us will be leaving Manhattan when this is all over. And at this rate, I’m really liking my odds.”

Scott leaned in, his expression one of mock seriousness mixed with a hint of playful challenge. “Oh, I wouldn’t count me out just yet. We’ve only just begun, and trust me, I’ve got more than a few tricks in my arsenal. This game is far from over.”

“Tricks? As in plans to cheat?” she snapped, all humor dissipating.

“I swear on Mum’s grave, I’d never resort to cheating to win a bet. Scoundrels cheat. Rakes win fairly.”

Relief flickered inside Lux. She believed him. Which meant he and Frankie weren’t in cahoots. Which meant she was going to win their bet. All the tricks in the world wouldn’t get her to the point a rake found her datable, let alone lovable. “If you say so,” she said cheekily. “But if you ask me, Frankie knew you never stood a chance. She took one look at me and decided I was her ticket to get rid of you.”

Scott’s eyes glimmered with mischief. “Frankie adores me. And though your pickup line flopped, there’s a certain charm in your awkwardness that I plan on exploiting from now on.”

“How, pray tell, can you exploit that in your favor?”

“There are certain men who will find flirting fumbles…enchanting.”

“Just as there are some women who sees a good fixer-upper man, such as yourself, and think to themselves, ‘Ah, a new project.’”

“Like you?” he asked.

“I prefer my men move-in ready.”

“Men?” His voice held a note of something she couldn’t quite define.

If the thought weren’t so ridiculous, she would label it jealousy.

“Have you had several?” he finished.

“Why Prince Landshire, I’m shocked,” she teased. “Are you asking me for my number?”

“What?” he asked.

“It’s not polite to ask a woman how many move-in ready men they’ve said yes to.”

“Humor me anyway.”

“Are we talking about ones that were truly move-in ready—no cleverly disguised wiring issues—or just the grand total? Because, sadly, the first is a far more exclusive club.”

“By all means, tell me the move-in ready number?” Scott replied, his voice lowering, laced with a hint of desire.

Her number would be peanuts compared to his. A number so painfully low, he’d feel sorry for her. “I do not orgasm and tell,” she responded. “To do so would be unladylike.”

He closed the distance between them, his eyes intensely fixed on hers. “That response is too enchanting to go unrewarded.” He leaned in. “May I kiss you?”

“I think you may,” she said, befuddled by the gentlemanly request. Surely, rakes did not go around requesting permission to kiss a woman.

He leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss that was far from brief or playful. One that was definitely rakish.

So rakish it ignited a fire that seemed to consume them both. When he finally pulled back, she was left breathless, her mind reeling.

“Doc, should you ever need a man who is wired correctly in all the right places, I’m at your service.”

Lux, still spinning from the kiss, somehow managed a coherent thought which should have led to a coherent response. But didn’t. “I just may take you up on that eventually.”