He sets a relentless rhythm. At first, I struggle for freedom, but as the seed leaking from his tip thickens, my omega instincts rise, and I lean into them, trusting them to keep me alive since they’ve protected my brothers for so long.
I inhale and exhale in time with his thrusts. Spit strings from my chin and drips onto my breasts despite the shower.
“Swallow every drop, kitten, or I’ll have to start over,” he growls before surging impossibly deeper into my throat.
His knot mashes my lips against my teeth as his shaft pulses on my compressed tongue. Black spots dance along my vision, but the tingling warmth as his seed hits my stomach and branches out into my body steals my panic and sends me into a faux state of joy.
Weight settles in my belly. I close my eyes and slip closer to the darkness.
He yanks himself free and hauls me onto my feet. I float through time as my senses reel.
Cold metal meets my backside and shocks me into awareness. I blink away my confusion and duck when something moves toward me.
Coarse fabric lands on my head. Unyielding hands scrub the towel over my head. I lift my arms to push him away, but gravity triples and sadness sucks me into a pit of despair.
My father hated my brothers, but he never separated us. This alpha must hate me even more than my sire to put me through this pain. It hurts to not have them by my side. I can’t protect them if they aren’t here. I can’t nurture them. Can’t give them the love they deserve.
A low rumble shakes my bones apart, yet my worry lessens. I scowl into the towel, reach deep into myself, and gather my resolve.
He’s using my dynamic against me. As long as my brothers are still alive, I must stay strong. The Battleship has to let his guard down at some point, and when he does, it’ll be my job to ensure he can’t hurt us anymore.
I shove at his hands, but he ignores me, drying my neck and arms with ruthless strokes. The freckles on his face continue down his body, creating a stark contrast to the white scars peppering his torso.
He drops the towel onto my lap and stands, putting his mammoth cock in line with my face. I ignore the heat creeping up my body and clutch at the fabric.
Fire licks up from my toes to the tip of my ears but dissipates so fast I wonder if I imagined it.
“Finish drying, but don’t stand up. You lift that ass from the bench and I’ll bend you over and knot you right there. Understand, kitten?”
I swallow the lump in my raw throat and nod, not trusting my voice.
He exits for a moment before returning with a bottle of liquor. The smell curdles my stomach, but instead of taking a swig, he angles his hip toward the mirror and pours half the bottle onto his side.
I cringe as he hisses. Sympathy pains pinch within my abdomen. I shake out the towel and start drying my legs to ignore my body’s ridiculous response, but can’t stop my eyes from drifting toward him.
He sets the bottle on the counter and soaps himself before rinsing off in the shower. After shutting off all six showerheads, he shakes his head and slicks his hand through his hair, but his curls spring back and fling water everywhere.
I scoot back on the bench before bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping the towel all the way around me.
He stalks toward me. Red oozes down his side. I lean away, but he grabs a clean towel and runs it over his body before dropping the crimson-stained fabric beside my hip.
Without a word, he strides back toward the counter and opens the waterproof box tucked in the corner. My fingers itch to help, but I curl into a tighter ball and watch as he smears ointment over his wounds before wrapping a long, white bandage around his midsection. He pulls the fabric tighter and continues to circle himself until he finds the end of the bandage. After tacking the fabric down, he tosses the ointment back into the box and flips the lid closed.
I pull the towel tighter around my shoulders as he stalks toward me.
Heat flashes up from my toes again, and the same pinching sensation haunts my lower belly. I shove it away and glare at my captor as he looms over me.
Even as I stare up into his mesmerizing green eyes, with tingling warmth lingering in my stomach from his seed and unwanted need pulsing in my clit, I cling to my hatred of him.
He took my brothers away from me. Every moment away from them is torture.
I need to pay it forward.
Chapter 6