“What should I do with them, then?” he asks.

I shake my head and carefully extract my nails from his arms.

“Let me go to them,” I whisper.

After a tense moment of silence, the devil trapping me against his chest scoffs and shakes his head. With a flick of his wrist, he calls his minions forward.

I fight, but he throws me over his shoulder and stalks from the room.

“Take the boys to the ward,” he instructs.

Relief blips through me over his decision to not kill them, but worry washes it away.

Little feet shuffle further into the kitchen and Reef’s terrified cries follow me as the gigantic alpha stomps into the hall.

I pummel his back with my fists, but he pays me no mind, and no one dares stop him as he stalks through the maze of metal. I scream and curse. Bite and scratch. Pull his crimson-matted curly hair. Elbow his spine. Kick my toes into his stomach.

He steps into blinding sunlight, carrying me away from everything I’ve ever known. The blood flowing down his other side catches my attention.

I jab my fingers into his wound.

Blinding pain jolts through my backside. He spanks me again before jumping onto the railing.

“Be still, kitten, or you might never see your brothers again.”

Waves crash far below us. He steps down onto a narrow bridge made of a mishmash of grates and scrap metal.

I ball my fists against his lower back and force myself to be still as he crosses from one ship to another.

We enter a whole different world as he drops onto the deck of his domain.

Eerie silence echoes through the halls as he descends into the darkness. My soul shrivels as he weaves deeper into hell on earth.

I dreamed of finding freedom from my father, but found evil incarnate instead. A male willing to do anything for revenge, including give a knife to a female full of hatred. An alpha willing to use my brothers against me.

The Battleship will do anything to break me. Tame me. Own me.

I’m doomed.

Chapter 4


The tiny omega trembles so hard my shoulder vibrates. I stalk down the long, dark hallway separating my den from the rest of the ship. With a shift of my grip on the back of her thighs, I ensure she’s too preoccupied to notice the doors on either side of the corridor as I open the hatch to my lair.

She muffles her squeak of alarm, but I shift again, playing with her, and pull another squeak from her reluctant mouth as she grapples to prevent her fall.

I seal the hatch with an impatient twist of the handwheel, shrug her off my shoulder, and pin her against the wall by her throat.

My bulk barely fits in the tiny space between the watertight doors, but I wedge my shoulders sideways and yank the ripped dress off her slim frame. She sinks her nails into my wrist and stares up at me with sparkling hatred, but doesn’t stop me from shucking her panties down her legs.

Euphoria blasts through my sinuses. I close my eyes and savor the fresh scent of her arousal, even as the sour note of immaturity clings to her pheromones.

“Where did you send my brothers? How do I get them back? What do you want from me?” she hisses.

I chuckle despite the lust spearing through my hard cock.

“Whatever you don’t want to give me,” I answer.