“Upstairs. What did Nicole have to say?”

“Brace yourself,” I warned.

“Nicole knew about us, about our weekend. Sunday, the day I was going to break up with her, she was approached by a girl who gave her an envelope with the pictures in it. She knew I was going to leave her and that’s when she made up the fake pregnancy story.”

Lennox’s brow rose. “Who gave her the pictures?”

“She said she didn’t know who she was, but she described what she looked like and it sounds like Ashley to me.”

“Ashley?” She asked, pulling her eyebrows together, causing her forehead to wrinkle.


“I can’t believe this.” Lennox shook her head.

“Why not? Ashley has always been crazy, I’m not surprised at all, actually.”

“It’s my fault,” she whispered.

“Why would you say that? She’s always had it out for you.”

“I ran into her the day after we slept together. She tried to apologize to me but I wouldn’t accept it, instead I insulted her.”

“It’s not your fault, Lennox. After all the trouble she’s caused, you have every right to still be angry with her,” I pulled her to my side. I needed to feel her against me, remind myself that she was mine again. “I got a call from the insurance company. They have a check for me and I’m clear to rebuild.”

“That’s great.” Lennox turned to look at me, her green eyes were full of excitement.

I tore my eyes away from hers, not sharing the feeling. “I’m not so sure.”

“Why?” Alarm was etched in her voice.

I rubbed the scruff of my jaw. “That place, it has been the only thing holding me back,” I turned back to her. “Maybe, it’s good that it’s gone.”

“Why would you say that? That was your dad’s dream, he left it for you. You’ve worked so hard to keep it afloat.”

“It’s the only reason I didn’t go with you to Tennessee. With it being gone, there’s nothing left holding me here.”

“Don’t decide on anything yet. This isn’t something that should be decided on a whim. I won’t leave you again.” She placed her palm to my cheek and looked into my eyes.

“What happens when all this is over with Chris and you decide you want your life back? I will be stuck here working the shop. I’m not letting you go again, Lennox. I will follow you around the world. I don’t want anything holding me back this time.”

She crawled onto my lap, straddling me, and placed her hands on my face to make sure I was looking into her eyes. “I love you, I’m not going to leave you again. I might decide to go back to performing but I won’t move back to California. I can go on short tours for a couple months and come back here. I’m not leaving you ever again, Mason.” She pressed a kiss to my lips.

My lips tingled with excitement as part of me came alive. I tangled my fingers into her hair as she wrapped her arms around my neck and teased my lips.

Just as I was about to pick her up and carry her ass upstairs, Dane came into the room.

“We’re having a house party.”

“What?” Lennox asked, breaking the kiss. She tried to move from my lap, but I placed my hands on her hips, holding her there. I didn’t want everyone getting a view of how excited I was.

“Okay, listen,” he sat down in the chair across from us. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Life’s been shitty lately, right? Between the girls having to be watched constantly, the shop burning down, you being in the hospital. Let’s take a night off and have a party. We won’t have to worry about anything for one night. Just stay here, invite some people over and get shit faced.” Dane smiled to himself before leaning back and getting comfortable.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Alissa said coming into the room and crawling onto Dane’s lap.

“What the fuck is going on with you two? A week ago you couldn’t stand him, now you’re sitting in his lap?” I asked, confused as hell.

“We’re working on it.” Alissa shrugged.