I bit my lower lip, “Don’t go back in there, Lennox. Don’t do it,” I whispered to myself.

Just then the door opened and I fell backward into Mason’s strong arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking down at me with his ice-blue eyes.

“I’m fine, just a little dizzy from not eating,” I lied. I stood from his arms and hurried down the stairs.

I took my seat next to Alissa in front of the TV. “Why are you blushing?”

“I’m not. Shut up.” I forced my eyes to the TV.

After what felt like hours of watching the coverage on my video, I heard the crunch of a car driving up the gravel driveway.

Thank God, I can’t spend another minute in this house without being in Mason’s arms.

“The car’s here,” I called to Mason and Alissa.

After signing the papers and receiving the keys, I made a dash for the car. “I’m driving.”

“Shotgun.” Alissa moved for the door.

Mason climbed into the back not saying anything.

We were almost to the grocery store when Alissa decided she couldn’t wait any longer and made me run through a Taco Bell drive-thru.

After she ordered enough tacos for a small army, we made our way to the store. Mason and I got out but Alissa didn’t move.

I bent down and looked through my open door at her. “Are you coming?”

“I’m eating.” She shoved half a taco into her mouth.

“Alissa, get out of the car. We can’t leave you alone either.” Mason opened her door.

Alissa rolled her eyes but put everything back into her bag and climbed out of the car.

We all walked through the store. Alissa put things in the cart as Mason took stuff out.

“Is she serious?” he asked after he had to put back the fourth bag of chips.

“Sadly, yes. Hey, no more Cheetos.” I pointed at her.

She pouted but put them back on the shelf.

“Why can’t she have Cheetos?”

“With all the liquor at your house, I don’t think she needs Cheetos too,” I warned.

“I don’t understand.” He shook his head.

“Just trust me on this one.”

After almost two hours in the grocery store, we finally made our way out, four hundred dollars poorer.

Mason started reading off the receipt.

“Candy bars, frosting, pretzels, five frozen pizzas, Cheetos.”

“Hey, I told you no Cheetos,” I shouted at Alissa.