“Oh, come on, it’s tradition.” Sarah stood from the table and headed for the stage.
Not even a minute later, the announcer’s voice boomed through the bar. “Everybody, give a warm welcome for Lennox Madison.” The whole place cheered. I looked to Nicole who looked pissed.
I smiled to myself knowing she was getting a dose of her own medicine.
Lennox stood on stage and held the microphone to her lips. “Thank you, everyone. It has been five years since the last time I was on this stage and left to start my music career. I think it’s only appropriate to sing the song that started it all.” Everyone cheered, but Nicole and I.
The music started up to ‘Stay’ by Sugarland.
My heart immediately broke. The first time I watched her perform that song was amazing, but with everything going on, that song spoke to me on a much deeper level. I had been cheating on Nicole with her. Making her the other woman, just like in the song.
My eyes locked on her. She was beautiful under the glow of the spotlight. Her green eyes lit up the dim bar, they looked different, though. I could hear the pain in her voice while she was singing that song, I could see it in her eyes too. I knew that I was the reason behind it.
Anger filled me once again, I stood and went to the bar for another shot. When that one was gone, I ordered another and another until my vision was blurry and the anger was numbed with whiskey.
Lennox was just coming off the stage as I was walking up to the table. “Where’s Sarah?” I asked, hoping to God she wasn’t doing what I thought she was.
“Up next, Mason.” The announcer’s voice filled the bar again.
I shook my head. “No, not this time.” I threw myself down in my seat and leaned back.
Everybody at the table booed. “Get up there,” Nicole added on.
“Fine.” I pushed away from the table, not happy about any of it.
I stood on the stage and my mind went blank.
“What do you want to sing?”
I had no idea. My eyes locked on Lennox and I said the first song that came to my mind. “Lips of an Angel by Hinder.”
Don’t fucking ask me why I picked that song.
I started singing along with the music, adding in more feeling than I should have. My eyes found Lennox sitting at the table. Her eyes were locked on mine and I could see right through her. Her eyes were filled with anger and sadness. I hated myself for hurting her, but I had to make sure she knew how I felt. I loved her, I just couldn’t be with her.
Somehow, my eyes found Nicole and I could see all the pain I was causing her. That only made me angry. Didn’t she see I was trying? I was trying my hardest to give up Lennox and be with her.
I had to tear my eyes away from the table if I was going to finish the song. Instead of looking at the women who hated me, my eyes found Dane behind the bar laughing his ass off. I’m sure he knew why I had chosen that song and he was enjoying it.
Finally, when I thought I was going to die, the song ended and I took my seat next to Nicole. Pure hate filled her eyes as she turned to me, speechless.
I forced my eyes away from hers and took a drink of my beer.
“Okay, well this isn’t awkward.” Trent leaned back in his seat and grabbed his beer.
“How about Alissa go next?” Sarah tried, wanting to make everyone forget the tension that was there.
After several more rounds, everyone began to calm down, everyone but Nicole. The songs had been forgotten by everyone but her. Alissa was up at the bar talking with Dane. Trent and Sarah were on the dance floor. That left Lennox, Nicole, and myself at the table, none of us talking.
“I think I’m going to get a drink.” Lennox stood and walked away.
“I can’t believe you sang that song.” Nicole shook her head before picking up her glass of water and taking a sip.
“I don’t know what I was thinking. It was the first song that popped into my head,” I shook my head and forced my eyes to hers. “Look, I didn’t say this was going to be easy because it’s not. Every second I am around her, I have to force myself to stay away from her. I can’t lie to you about that. You can clearly see it for yourself. What do you want from me? I told you I am sticking around. When she came in, I wanted to leave to avoid all this shit and you wanted to stay and watch me squirm. So, don’t get pissed off at me when you see exactly what you wanted to.” I pushed away from the table and went outside.
I knew I was being a dick, I couldn’t help it. All the Jack I drank didn’t help it either. I just needed to cool off. My blood was boiling from all the stress and emotion running through me. I felt nothing but anger, jealousy, frustration, and an overwhelming sensation to reach out and touch the girl that no longer belonged to me.
I sat at the picnic table for what felt like hours, when I finally thought I had my temper under control, I got up and made my way back inside the bar.