“Since I left, he’s been threatening me. He wants me back. This morning he said he had people looking for me.”

I rubbed my temples, trying to release stress. “Please, be careful. Let me know if anything happens or if he calls you again. I want to talk to this guy.” I walked away, leaving Lennox standing alone in the back of the boat.

As I passed by Sarah, she handed me the wrapped potatoes to put on the grill. Trent opened it up and I tossed them down to cook.

“Will you please talk to me? I won’t leave you alone until you do.” I heard Dane say to Alissa.

“Dane, leave the poor girl alone,” I shouted over to him.

“Thank you.” Alissa sounded annoyed.

“Where’s the fucking Jack?” Dane stood from his seat to search for the bottle.

“How about we eat first.” I handed him a bottle of water.

Dane tossed the water over his shoulder and took my beer with a grin.

“So, does Lennox know anything about the pictures?” Trent asked, quietly.

I crossed my arms over my chest, staring out over the ocean. “She said it might be her ex.”

“Why would it be him?”

I shrugged, bringing my eyes back to him. “I guess he’s been threatening her. He wants her back”

Trent shook his head but he didn’t reply.

I stood around the grill with Trent and Dane as Dane tried to give Trent advice on how to properly grill a steak.

Trent pointed the tongs in his face. “I know what I’m doing. Go sit the fuck down.”

I laughed at them before my eyes found Nicole. She looked out of place. She wasn’t talking to anyone and she didn’t look happy. I let out a long breath, mentally chewing myself out for causing the shit I had. You could cut the tension with a knife and it was all my fault.

Once the food was done cooking, we all gathered around to eat. Everyone but Nicole, who made her way inside, claiming to be sea sick.

“You know, if you would have listened to me this steak would be much better,” Dane told Trent.

Trent didn’t bother looking his way. “Shut up and eat.”

After everyone had eatenand cleaned up the mess, Dane found the bottle and it got passed around again.

The sun was starting to set and everyone was feeling their buzz. Alissa, Sarah, and Lennox were dancing around with the three of us watching.

Trent, Dane, and I sat back drinking our beer.

“Sorry guys, but I have to go dance with these ladies.” Dane stumbled toward them. He shoved his way in between the three and began moving alongside them.

“I think I’m going to go dance with my wife. Why don’t you go talk to Nicole? Get her to loosen up a little.”

“I think she knows something happened with me and Lennox. I doubt she’s going to loosen up anytime soon.” I brought my beer back to my lips.

Trent left me sitting alone to go dance with the rest of them. I sat back with my eyes on Lennox. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and feel her body moving against mine. I wanted to taste her sweet lips and make her make that sound that could bring me to my knees.

Once parts of my body started stirring, I got my ass up and went to talk to Nicole.

“Nicole?” I yelled walking through the small cabin. “What’s the matter?” I asked, joining her on the small bed in the back of the boat.

She shrugged before meeting my eyes. “I just don’t feel good.”