I signed the contract and paid the first month’s rent along with a deposit and we headed back out to the car after getting the keys.
“Let’s celebrate!” I cheered heading toward my favorite bar and grill. Just having Alissa with me raised my spirits. Not to mention, Mason and I were finally on the right track.
“Now you’re talking.”
Within minutes, we were pulling up to the bar.
“Two beers and two shots of Jack,” I told Wendy.
“What’s the matter with you?” I asked, noticing Alissa looked freaked out.
“I used to live here.”
“Really? When?” I questioned.
“When I was born, I was put in a home. My mom didn’t want me and I bounced around from place to place until I ended up with foster parents here in this town when I was sixteen. I was hard to handle, to say the least. I started dating this guy. His dad owned the boat shop and this place.” She looked around the bar like she couldn’t believe she was back there.
“What was the guy’s name?” I questioned, hoping it wasn’t Mason.
“Dane Reynolds.”
“So how did things end with this, Dane?” I smiled to myself and took a long drink.
“Not so good. Do you know him? Is he still around here?” She took the shot and slammed it down on the bar, asking for another.
“Kind of. This is his place.” I did the same thing.
Alissa dropped her head to the bar. “I knew I shouldn’t have come back here.”
“What’s the big deal? So what, you guys dated. It was a long time ago.”
Her head popped up. “Yeah, it was a long time ago. Maybe he doesn’t even remember me.”
I couldn’t have timed it any better myself. Just then, Dane came out of his office. He walked to the cooler and grabbed himself a beer. He popped the top and took a long drink before his eyes landed on me, then on Alissa. It looked like he had seen a ghost, his skin became pale and he blinked his eyes like he couldn’t believe who was in his bar.
I glanced between Alissa and Dane, their eyes were locked, each afraid to move in fear the other would disappear.
“Yeah?” I turned to look at her.
“I think he remembers me.” Alissa didn’t break her stare from Dane.
“Yeah, it looks like it,” I kept glancing back and forth between them. “Go talk to him.”
“I can’t. I have to go.” She pushed away from the bar, heading toward the door.
Dane was just as quick. As soon as he saw her move, he ran to catch her. I stayed where I was, I didn’t want to interrupt them. They looked like they had a lot to talk about.
“Lennox, I can’t believe you’re here.” I turned to see Nicole sitting in Alissa’s open seat.
“I stopped in with a friend but she just went outside for some air. How are you?” I asked, noticing Mason walk up from behind her. He stopped short when he saw Nicole talking to me.
I glanced back and forth between them, they didn’t break up.
“I’m great,” she looked back at Mason. “Why are you standing back there? Come up here and talk to her.”
I automatically knew Mason hadn’t told her what had happened between us over weekend. For all she knew, Mason and I hadn’t even seen each other yet. I played along to keep him from getting in trouble, but the whole time, my heart was breaking.