
“Ow Lennox, you’re crushing me,” Alissa whined from underneath me.

I had somehow rolled almost completely on top of her in our sleeping arrangement.

“Sorry,” I mumbled rolling away from her and back to Mason.

“We should probably get up. Our apartment was broken into last night too. We have to go check it out.”

“Are you fucking serious? I’m regretting the day I met you, Lennox Madison,” Alissa bitched as she rolled from bed.

“Shut up, asshole.” I tossed a pillow at her but missed.

Once Alissa was gone, I rolled back over to Mason. “Good morning,” I cooed in his ear.

He rolled over with a smile on his gorgeous face. “I will never get tired of waking up with you next to me.” He moved his lips to mine.

His soft lips moved against mine as his tongue swept out, tasting me. My heart fluttered in my chest as I wrapped my hands around his neck to keep him to me. I didn’t ever want to let go. I was still just as head over heels for him as I was the first day my eyes landed on his.

I broke the kiss before things went too far. “I won’t either,” I smiled down on him. “Now, get up. We have a lot to do today.” I smacked him on the chest and crawled from bed.

After everyone was showered and dressed, we met up in the kitchen to get our coffee fix and head to town to check out the apartment. After an hour drive, we finally made it. I was nervous about what I would find.

I can’t believe Chris is going to such lengths to make my life miserable.

We walked into the apartment and everything was trashed. The TV laid busted on the floor, my new couch and love seat had been slashed open, and my one remaining lamp had been busted.

“It looks like it’s just trashed more than anything. I really loved that couch too.” I wanted to stomp my foot, but refrained.

“Here,” Mason started to flip all the cushions. “Good as new,” he said, stepping back to admire his handy work and quick thinking.

“Thanks, that makes it a lot better now,” I said sarcastically.

We made our way into the kitchen where it looked like the cabinets had exploded. Flour was everywhere, eggs had been thrown against the walls, and cereal and chips had been poured out on the floor and stomped on, but nothing was missing in that room either.

Standing the in the middle of the trashed kitchen, Alissa dropped her hands to her side. “Let’s check our bedrooms.”

We walked down the short hallway and split up at the end, each of us going in opposite directions.

“My room is fine. Everything is where I left it,” Alissa shouted.

I slowly walked into my room. Everything was a mess. My bed had been slashed, my blankets and pillows were the same. My clothes had been pulled out of the closet and thrown onto the floor where they were covered in nail polish and lotions I had in my room.

My drawers were pulled out of the dresser, everything I had on top of my vanity was broken or thrown on the floor, and everything was ripped from the walls.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I sat down in the middle of the bedroom floor and cried.

“Why is he doing this?” I asked Mason, who took a seat next to me, pulling me into his lap.

“It’s okay, this is just stuff. You’re what’s important.” He slowly rubbed my back, instantly soothing me.

He’s right. All this is just stuff, it’s nothing I can’t live without. I need to be stronger than ever. Get up and stop crying.

I dried my tears and forced myself up, looking around the room. “Let’s get to work.”

Mason and I started on my room, while Alissa started in the kitchen. We ended up throwing away most of the stuff that was in the apartment. I didn’t understand why he was doing that to me. Doing all those things wouldn’t make me come back to him any faster, it only made me hate him more.