“I had to do something. Sitting around waiting for him to find me wasn’t an option and we can’t stay here forever. Eventually, Mason and Nicole are going to need an extra bedroom.”

“What’s going on?” Nicole asked as she came into the kitchen and took Mason’s third cup of coffee.

“Why can’t I keep coffee today?” He threw his hands up in the air.

Nicole took a sip and returned the cup. “I have to go. I’m going to be late for work.” She gave him a quick kiss before walking outside and busting everyone’s eardrums with her piercing scream.

The three of us jumped up to follow after her.

It felt like the air had been stolen from my lungs when my eyes landed on Nicole’s car and Mason’s truck. Their windshields and the headlights had been busted and it looked like someone had taken a bat to the bodies of the vehicles.

I knew by looking at that, that Chris had found me. He was just playing with me, wanting me scared before he made his move.

After shaking off the feeling of dread, I offered my car to Nicole. It was the least I could do, and it was the only one we had left between the three of us.

It’s a good thing I parked it in the garage so it couldn’t be seen from the road.

She didn’t want to take it at first, but she finally gave in when I mentioned she would be late for work.

After Nicole left, the three of us went back into the house. Mason went upstairs to call and make a police report, while Alissa and I flipped through channels on the TV looking for anything covering my story.

I was nervous just looking for it. I wanted to see what they had to say about Chris. I wanted to see any interview or statement he had given since the news broke. I wanted to see how pissed off he was to try and determine what he might do next.

We flipped through until we found it. It was the same video Alissa had shown Mason, except this time, there were more women coming forward about Chris’ abuse.

Two women, he had dated back in high school, had come out and told their stories. Another woman who was a model and one more that use to be Chris’ assistant. All of them had been subject to Chris’ abuse. Only one had ever pressed charges against him. All others were afraid of what he would do if they did.

I was another one that didn’t press charges. I thought just running away from him would solve the problem, and it did, my problem. I never thought about others he could harm by not coming forth with my story.

“I should have gone to the police.”

“What?” Alissa asked, taking her attention away from the TV and returning it to me.

“I should have gone to the police. Look at all these women. If they would have come forward, this might not have happened to me. And now, I’m just another one of them. I should have gone to the police to keep him from doing this to anyone else.”

“Lennox, you had no idea he had done this before. The important thing is people know who he really is. Don’t beat yourself up about it, you were scared.” Alissa rubbed my arm.

I let the subject drop. I couldn’t watch it anymore, I stood and walked to the kitchen.

“Are you cooking?”

I found nothing but ketchup and beer in the fridge. “Doesn’t look like it, there’s nothing to eat here.”

I pulled my phone from my pocket and called a car service to rent a car. I knew Mason would need one until his truck was fixed anyway.

I made my way to Mason’s room to let him know a car would be delivered and Alissa and I planned to make a food run.

I knocked on the door, but he didn’t answer. I thought he might have been on his balcony, so I slowly opened the door. “Mason?”

“Yeah?” he answered, stepping out of the bathroom in only a towel.

My eyes ran up and down his bare, wet chest. I watched as the water beaded up and ran down every hard muscle with the rise and fall of his chest. “Um, I rented a car. It will be delivered soon and Alissa and I are going to get some groceries.”

“Not without me, Chris is in town somewhere. He could be anywhere waiting to catch you alone. I’m coming, just let me get dressed.”

I shut the door without another word.

Once the door was closed, I leaned my back against it, remembering the way Mason looked fresh from the shower. I pictured his hard muscles and the way they flexed while water rolled down every ripple. My heart started pounding against my chest as my breathing picked up from my excited state.