I wrap the sheet around my bottom half and sit up a little straighter. “What do you mean, we’re going to brunch with your family?”
She sits beside me and starts putting on her shoes. “It’s time. I’m tired of hiding and lying. Today, I’m going to let my family see who I really am and if they don’t like it,” she shrugs, “then they can continue not talking to me. It’s time all the secrets come out.”
I pull my top lip into my mouth and bite it slightly. I rub my head, trying to wake up enough to process what she’s saying. “When you say ‘all the secrets’, you mean...?”
Her eyes fall on mine. Full of confidence, she says, “Everything. It’s time they know.” She stands and walks from the room.
I rush to follow her, tripping over the sheet that’s wrapped around my waist as I go. “Whoa, Lex.”
She stops and turns toward me.
“Do you really think now is the best time for this? I mean, your sister is getting ready to leave for her honeymoon.”
Her eyes search the room, like they are looking for an answer that’s right in front of her. “Maybe you’re right.” She falls onto the couch. “God, what was I thinking?”
I sit beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. “You just want everything off your chest, it’s alright. Just hold it in a little while longer?”
She nods and pushes a stray hair away from her face. “Okay, I’ll wait to talk to them alone about it, but you’re still coming. There is at least one secret I can get off my chest today.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind being your dirty little secret.” I press a kiss to her lips.
She lets out a quiet laugh and shakes her head. “I’m sure, now go get dressed.”
I shrug and stand, letting the sheet fall away as I walk. My lips turn up in a smile, knowing that she’s checking out my ass.
“On second thought…”
I stop and turn towards her.
“Maybe we have little time after all.” She jumps into my arms and moves her lips to mine. I walk us back into the bedroom and cover her body with mine.
* * *
Lex worries on her lip the whole way to the country club. She twists her fingers into knots, and stares out of the window.
“Are you having second thoughts?” I ask, taking her hand in mine.
“No, not second thoughts. Just… I don’t know. I’m kind of scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Well, before I knew that I could’ve come home whenever I wanted. If I let this secret go, I may be disowned completely and no longer welcome. I really could lose my family once and for all.”
“I can just drop you off if you want. I don’t have to go in.”
She shakes her head. “No, we’re doing this.”
I park the truck and take a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do it then.”
We walk into the country club hand in hand. When we enter the breakfast room, all eyes fall on us.
It seems every wedding guest has attended. One big table holds the bride and groom, along with their families.
Lex straightens her back and raises her chin before pulling me along behind her.
Suddenly, I’m nervous for her. I don’t give a shit what these people think of me, but what they may say to her worries me because if they hurt her, I will hurt them.
The people at the table who don’t know me don’t pay any attention to me. Her parents, on the other hand, are throwing daggers at me. I sit back in my chair and smile, waiting for them to erupt.