My mother smiles at him, but gives me a hateful look.
Jeff walks to the drink cart in the corner of the room and starts to make me something. “I’m sorry, but do you have gin? I know Alex and she likes gin martinis.”
She moves quickly. “I think so, let me go check in the study.”
Jeff turns to me and laughs. I know what he’s doing. He’s getting back at my mother for being rude to me. He picked the one thing that wasn’t on that cart.
“You know I don’t like gin.”
He shrugs. “So, when she sits down, I’ll make you a vodka martini. Who cares if she wasted a trip?”
My mother comes in and hands him the bottle of gin.
“Thank you, Mrs. Grant.” Jeff takes the bottle and sets it on the cart. Once her back is turned, he picks up the vodka and pours my drink.
He brings it over to me and takes a seat while my mother stares, ready to dig in her claws.
“So, Jeff. Tell me what it is you do.” She places her clasped hands on her lap.
“Have you heard of McGillicuddy’s?”
“The restaurant in the city?” Her eyes grow in size.
“That’s the one. I own it.”
She takes a sudden breath. “I’ve been wanting to go there since it opened last July. They are always booked solid, though.”
He laughs before taking a drink. “You just have to drop the right names. Next time you call, tell them that you’re my guests. Works every time.”
She lets out her giddy laugh and swats at his hand.
They sit and make pleasant conversation, fully ignoring me except for when Jeff brings me into the conversation. After several questions directed toward me taunt my mother into yelling at me, he gives up trying to include me.
Once the drinks are gone, Jeff stands. “Well it’s been delightful getting to know you, Mrs. Grant, but I’m afraid that if I don’t leave soon, I will miss my check-in time at the hotel.”
She stands to join him. “A hotel? I won’t hear of it. We have plenty of rooms here. Alexis, show our guest to a room please.”
I stand. “Mom, if he wants to stay at a hotel, you shouldn’t force him to stay here.”
“Who’s forcing? Am I forcing you?” She turns and asks Jeff.
His eyes are wide, looking from me to my mother.
Hold strong, Jeff. You can do this. Please do this. I would hate to tell Striker that we’re sleeping in the same house. A house that Striker isn’t even allowed in.
I must have missed something, because Jeff says, “Well, if you insist.”
My mouth falls open. What the hell?
“Close your mouth darling before you catch a fly.” She marches past us.
I show Jeff to a room and once we’re tucked away inside, I spin to face him. “What the hell?”
He drops his bag on the floor. “I’m sorry, I felt pressured.”
I flop down on the bed, fuming, knowing full well that Striker is going to be outraged. He already thinks that Jeff has a thing for me. Finding out that he changed his mind and is now staying just down the hall from me will seal the deal for sure.
“The bathroom is in there. I’ll leave you alone to unpack and get ready for dinner.” I stand and head toward the door. He stops me just as my hand brushes the knob.