The second hand on the clock seems frozen in place. Excitement and anxiety form an explosive cocktail of energy that is bubbling over by the time I make it to her apartment. I make my way toward her door and knock quickly.
She flies through the door and into my arms, pressing her lips against mine. I carry her through the kitchen and set her on the counter.
“Did ya miss me?”
“Shut up and fuck me already.” Her hands fist my shirt and pull me back to her. Her aggressiveness turns me rock hard.
Her teeth and hot breath play tantalizingly across the sensitive skin in the crook of my neck as she pulls at the bottom of my shirt. Her hands roam my body, squeezing and scratching as they glide over my chest and stomach. She pulls at the waistband of my jeans. The typically calm and composed Lex has taken a backseat to a Lex fueled by passion and lust, a Lex who takes whatever she wants from me. This is new to me, and if she doesn’t slow down a bit, I’m going to lose control.
My hands find her thighs and push up the jean skirt she’s wearing. When I have it up around her waist, I grab her panties in my fist and forcefully tug them down her legs.
I’m throbbing inside my pants and fighting to maintain control of myself. It’s only been a week, but it’s been too long since I’ve been inside her, wrapped up in her. I need her more than I can explain, and even though I know that she is hiding a piece of herself away from me, I can’t help but be drawn in. This whole thing may crash and burn, but I can’t stop myself. Self-control was never my strongest point when it came to her. She’s always been my wild card.
She unfastens my jeans and they fall to my ankles. I grab her hips and pull her against me, picking her up and pressing her back against the door as I slide deep inside. The pressure and warmth inside of her are so much, I feel like I could erupt at any minute. She holds on tightly around my neck while I move in and out of her, thrusting into her as hard and as fast as I can.
She tightens around me and her moans grow louder. Her fingers tighten, pinching my back, and her nails dig in slightly.
She’s shattering around me, calling my name.
“Open your eyes,” I demand.
She does as I say and the minute I meet her intense blue eyes, I’m shuddering along with her.
I hold her to the door while we both catch our breath, sweating against each other’s bodies. When I pull back and look into her eyes, I can see that her walls are coming down, little by little, whether she realizes it or not.
“You are so fucking beautiful when you bare yourself to me.” I push a strand of hair out of her face.
* * *
We load up in my truck to get the store ready for the repairs. The girls start moving racks of clothing out of the way and covering everything in plastic to protect it from the dust that the demo will create. Once the store closes for the night, the girls pull on their face masks, goggles and hard hats.
“You know, you don’t have to help me demo this wall. You are paying me to do a job.”
“We want to. It sounds like fun,” Hannah says.
I shrug but give them the go-ahead. They both take off running toward the wall with sledgehammers. They burst from the gates ready for war, but neither of them has enough weight to wield the heavy hammers, and each leaves only a tiny hole through the drywall.
I stand back and let them go at it, waiting for them to tire. Best to let them have their fun so I can get them out of the way when I start.
Hannah only lasts about ten minutes before giving up and throwing herself down on one of the sofas scattered throughout the store. Lex is still going at it. She has a huge section of the wall taken out.
I can’t help but think of the irony here.
Here she is, busting her way through a wall, just like the walls she builds up around herself. If only getting her walls down were as easy as tearing out this wall.
Supercharged by years of pent-up anger and aggression, she tirelessly destroys a large section of the wall. I figure unless I want her taking out the whole wall by herself, I better pitch in. I pick up Hannah’s sledgehammer and go to work at her side.
An hour later, the studs are exposed and the floor surrounding them is covered in drywall rubble.
Lex tries busting through them too, but I stop her. I’m not comfortable with taking out the studs until we have the new structure built. Even though it isn’t a supporting wall, it’s still better to be safe than sorry.
The three of us sweep up the mess and toss it in the dumpster before calling it a night.
Hannah locks up behind us.
“First thing in the morning, I will run by the lumber yard and pick up the boards I need to build the new wall.”
“Sounds good.”