“No, not at all,” I answer, looking around the store. The walls are painted black on the bottom and a bright shade of purple on the top. The small amount of exposed floorspace is done in a black and white checkered pattern, but most of it is covered with the random junk packed around the store.
“So, you mentioned an extension?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s not really an extension, but come here and I’ll show you.” She leads me to the storage room in back.
She spins around and faces me. “I’m wanting this room cut in half. I want to make the sales floor bigger so really we just need that wall removed,” she says, pointing to the wall separating the sales floor from the back room, “and moved further back. That means the floor back here will have to be done to match the rest of the sales floor and then paint. What do you think?”
I shrug and look at the wall. “Sounds easy enough.”
“Great! How much do you think it will cost?”
I shake my head. “Not much really. A few grand, tops. I will have to shop around for the same floor tiles, that may be the biggest factor. It depends if they are still being made, and if they are considered specialty or not. Tile can get pricy. I can give you a final estimate in a day or so after I shop around.”
She beams a smile my way. “That sounds great.”
We walk back out onto the sales floor. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a few pictures of the tile to make sure I get an exact match,” I say as I slip my phone from my pocket.
“I don’t mind at all. I’ll be behind the counter if you need me.”
She walks away and I bend down low to snap a few pictures.
The bell above the door rings as someone enters the store. I don’t pay much attention, but the voice behind me suddenly brings on goosebumps.
“I know I don’t have to work today, but I was out and figured I’d bring you a coffee.”
I look over my shoulder from my crouched position. There she is, leaning over the counter and handing over a paper cup. She doesn’t see me, but I see her shoulders and back tense up. She feels me.
As if she senses me watching her, she turns toward me. Her mouth drops open as her eyes land on me.
I’m just as shocked as she is, but I muster my resolve and keep my cool. I walk slowly up to her, eyes locked on hers the whole time, until only a few feet separate us. “How you doing, Lex?”
Hannah gasps as the words leave my lips. “You’re that Striker?”
I smile. “I see you’ve heard of me.”
Suddenly, Lex’s mouth snaps closed. “What are you doing here?” She wraps her arms around herself, like she’s falling to pieces. She probably is, and I know I’m the only person who can put those pieces back together.
“I got a request to give an estimate. You work here?”
She slowly nods. “I’m part owner.”
My eyes take her in. She’s beautiful, but sad. Her eyes shine, but they don’t burn like they usually do. Something is clouding them. I turn and look at Hannah, who is leaning on the counter, holding her chin in her hands while she watches us.
I clear my throat, thinking maybe it will snap her out of the trance she’s in, but she doesn’t get the hint.
“Can we go somewhere and talk?”
Her eyes bounce around the room, trying to think up an excuse.
“Don’t make something up, Lex. Let’s just go somewhere private and talk.” My eyes flash to Hannah, who’s still watching us.
I see her eyes fall to Hannah and a small grin tugs at her lips. “Okay.”
She leads me from the shop and heads toward her car, parked directly behind my work truck. “Follow me to my place.”
I stop dead in my tracks. She’s actually going to let me see her place? Is this smart? Walking into the lion’s den so I can be teased with no chance of getting what I want?
My eyes find hers behind the wheel of her car. She lifts her eyebrows and motions with her hands, telling me to come on.