“Not tonight, Itha,” I say, letting myself be the bad guy in her eyes so she can continue to love Thro more than she loves her mother or me. “We’re making some of those sweets, remember?”
Itha chews on her lip, trying to decide if she wants to push the issue of staying with Thro for the night, but she also really loves her sweets. In the end, it is her love for all of the sugar that has her agreeing with me and Thro silently giving me thanks. He pinches his mate’s waist when he picks her up and puts her back in his lap. He whispers something to her that I do not want to hear, but I can tell Alice has by the blush on her cheeks.
“Our family keeps growing,” I say with a smile on my lips. “You are going to see your brother next?”
“We already stopped by their house,” Thro says, running a hand down his mate’s back and stopping at her lower back. “We just needed to tell you all, and then I am taking her to our new home.”
“Well, we are glad you are part of this family, Jen,” Alice says. “Anything you need, just let us know.”
“Yes, anything.” I nod, knowing just how much she might need our help if Thro is the one she is forced to live with for the rest of her life. “He is a good male, but he can be annoying.”
“She is evil!” Thro throws his hands into the air. “I tell you this, and you still think she is the one being punished by the goddess? Surely not.”
“Am I punishing you?” Jen turns to face her mate, a teasing look in her eye that tells me it is time to get them out of my house or at least away from my young because I do not need Itha asking any more about good touches.
“Well, it was wonderful having you visit.” I push away from the table, waking Jeera as I move a bit too quickly. She cries only once and then snuggles back against my chest.
“Yes, yes.” Thro shoos me away as he stands again, this time keeping his mate in his arms as he moves to the front door. “We will see you all soon.” He gives Itha a pointed look. “Not too soon and not without asking your parents.”
“I may send her every few hours,” I say coolly.
“You would not.” Thro acts offended but does not push it further. No, he opens the door to our home, moving his mate over his shoulder when he is no longer in view of the children. She squeals and protests, but Thro swats her backside. I shake my head, knowing my mate would probably kill me. “Seriously, please do not send her for at least a few days.”
“We will see.” I shrug, loving the way he looks so worried. I only let him panic for a moment before assuaging his fears. “She will be distracted here at the house until you are ready for visitors, I promise.”
Thro smiles at me brightly before running back through the tribe, his mate bouncing on his shoulder as he runs. I shake my head, remembering just how enamored I was with my mate when I first saw her. I am happy that Thro has found a female to make him feel whole. I just hope she does not also murder him since it will be her who ends up taking most of his annoying nature.
When I go back inside, my mate is sniffling as she helps Itha and Havth get all of the ingredients out for the sweets. I reposition how I am holding Jeera and go to wrap an arm around Alice. She nuzzles her face into my chest, her fingers twisting in the fabric of my shirt.
“Our family is growing,” I say, wanting to make sure she is crying happy tears and not ones of sorrow.
“I know.” She sniffles as she wipes the tears from her cheeks. “I’m just happy. Marron’s happy, Thro’s happy, and we have four more here. It just doesn’t feel real sometimes.”
“It is,” I murmur, stroking her back and holding her close to me. “All of this is real and so very wonderful. A wonderful life I get to spend with the most amazing female and the best family a male could ask for.”
“I’m glad you found me,” Alice whispers so quietly I almost don’t catch it. I don’t say anything, knowing her words are meant more for herself and all that we have been through. I just hold her in our kitchen, stroking her back with my free hand as she cries against me. After a moment, Itha wraps her arms around her mother’s waist and hugs her tight, Havth and Kinth follow suit on the other side. Yes, this is the most amazing life, and I have been blessed to call it mine.