“I think I can make being on top work,” I growl as my cock releases more of me into her, begging for it to stick and for her to begin growing with my young. “Yes, go ahead and flip over. I will fill you again and again and again.”
Almost Two Years Later
“Toron!” I should not be having this conversation yet again, but here we are.
Thro and Marron are already sitting on the couch, refusing to make eye contact with me as we wait for Toron to show up. I refuse to have this conversation without him here. I’m pulling on the tether that links us together. Should I be? Probably not, since this isn’t that big of an emergency. Toron is being way too slow about getting in here since I know he is right next door helping to reseal the house next to ours in preparation for more to join the tribe.
“What did they do now?” Toron asks as he steps into the house. He wipes dark muck onto his tunic, a habit that I’m never going to break him of. I tried when he first started working so much to make the tribe ready for more humans. It’s easier to have dedicated work shirts that are stained and not as nice as his other tunics.
“Do you want to explain?” I look at the two males sitting on the couch, purposefully not making eye contact with me.
“I am innocent in all of this,” Thro says, crossing his arms over his chest and giving his older brother a nasty look. “I should not have to be a part of this.”
“So he just did it all on his own, then?” I ask as I shift Itha on my hip, pushing her foot from digging into my belly. The action has Toron’s eyes moving to my abdomen, making him smile like he does whenever he thinks about the second young we’ll be blessed with in about a hundred more days.
It would be so wonderful if the two males on the couch weren’t trying to rebel at every moment. I’m too tired to have to deal with this when I should just be sitting on the couch listening to gossip with the other women and breastfeeding my weird alien-human hybrid baby. Skylar has so much that she wants to tell me about the newest way to get humans and aliens mated, but instead of listening to that, I’m having to discipline my alien wards.
“He’s trying to impress a female.” Thro completely throws his brother under the bus, but it is the perfect thing to say because Toron and I are very much interested if Marron has finally decided to try going through the mating ceremony. Thro notices the shift in the air and uses it to get out of being in trouble. “Can I leave now?”
“Go,” Toron says, his eyes on Marron, trying to see how much truth is in Thro’s words by how Marron reacts to them. He’s still not looking at us and is fidgeting with his hands in his lap. Thro is out of the house, off to terrorize someone else before I can let out a long sigh.
“No females in this house,” Toron says as he crosses his arms over his chest. He leans against one of the walls as he says it. My eyes widen a fraction at the hard stance Toron’s taking. We’ve discussed it before since we have an unmated, matured male in our home. Things have become tricky with how they can interact with unmated humans. Not having any at all in the house is the safest option. “None. Not until you go through the ceremony. We will not be responsible for a male not following the rules.”
“I have broken no rules.” Marron snaps his teeth at Troon, something that I have to discretely roll my eyes at because it means these two are about to get into an argument that I am not needed for. “I asked one of the mated females if she knew of a book that one of the females likes. She is willing to write what she remembers so I can give it as a gift.”
Toron rubs his eyes and gives me a nod of his head. I sit down at the dining room table, rocking Itha to make sure she stays asleep, letting the two of them have this conversation on their own since I’m not needed for it. I’d heard through the grapevine that Thro and Marron were bothering the unmated females. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t true, but there’s one female that Marron has apparently been trying to impress even though neither of them has signed up for the mating ceremony.
“You cannot woo the females until you have gone through the ceremony,” Toron says as he sits on the coffee table in front of Marron. “If you want to go through the ceremony, we will be your sponsors. We have told you this.”
“I do not want just any female.” Marron’s lips pull back in a snarl. “Can you guarantee the one I want will be there?”
Toron looks at me with a question on his face. I simply shake my head in response. We are not about to force a female into the ceremony just because the male sharing our home wants us to. Toron frowns at my answer, probably thinking about how easy it is for some of the males to know who their mate is long before the female figures it out. It doesn’t mean that we’re going to force a female into it, though.
“Then you will stop trying to woo her until she has decided she wants to take part in the ceremony,” Toron says, red eyes meeting Marron’s and telling him that’s the end of the conversation. I feel bad for Marron. He’s a sweet male, but if we let one male ignore the rules of the tribe, then others will think they can break the rules, too. We can’t have males trying to woo females who want nothing to do with them. “You will also stop sending your brother to do your bidding.”
“Tell that to him,” Marron snaps, his anger still palpable in the air, but there’s no one scarier than my mate. I know Marron is only lashing out because he’s comfortable enough around us after almost two years of living with us. “Thro is the one who keeps pushing and pushing me. How many times must I listen to him tell me that the female was asking about me before I can act?”
“I will talk with your brother.” Toron rubs his eyes.
When we told the two they could stay in our home until they mated, I don’t think we realized how much work the two would be. The dynamics of the family structures in the demon’s world are different than what I was used to on Earth. Marron and Thro look to us to protect and care for them, but at the same time, they’re growing males, and in Marron’s case, a full-grown male. They have interests we need to watch out for, mainly Marron’s interest in females and the way Thro is always looking to cause trouble.
Marron went through the changing to be a full-grown male almost two years ago, so he’s fully focused on females and how to mate one. It would be fine if he just signed up for the ceremony so he can go and woo the females with reckless abandon.
Thro is still too young to care much about females since he hasn’t gone through the changing. The demons have no interest in mating or the like until they go through the changing that matures them. So, at least we don’t have Thro out there bothering the females in the hopes of wooing them as his brother does. Not for quite a few more years, at least.
Toron and Marron both had a conversation with Thro about mating so that he stopped thinking it could accidentally happen by sharing a bed with someone. He was upset with Erkoz for a few days after that, but they’ve healed their friendship, which means Thro is still a terror, always finding new ways to terrorize everyone, no matter how many times he gets grounded.
My biggest struggle is how much fighting the males have with one another. No matter how often Toron tells me it is perfectly normal for blooded males to clash horns frequently, it still worries me each time the boys or him do it. It’s been easier when I’ve seen Toron and Yril clash horns like our boys do. Toron and Yril love each other as much as Toron loves our young, so if that’s how they show it, I guess it’s fine.
Marron turns on the couch until he’s facing me. His eyes are still black, which is good. I figured from how he was talking to Toron they were red. At least he’s learning to control his anger a bit better. “Will you speak with her? Just ask her if she will join the next ceremony.”
My eyes go wide at Marron’s request. “That is not her responsibility.” Toron is quick to answer for me, and it fills me with relief.
Marron’s eyes do flash red this time, his claws shooting out the tips of his fingers as he swings back around to face Toron. His growl is short-lived when Toron’s cuts through the air. “Think about if you want to say whatever it is you are thinking.”