Page 34 of His Human to Charm

I wait until the doors to the great hall close before returning to the others at the tables, who are all mostly staring at me. Some are still upset after hearing what Thro and I said, and some are just curious since I finally decided to mate with Toron.

“Did the Hands go back in order with the newest woman they sent?” I ask.

I’m sure they all have questions about what happened in the forest, if I’m really okay, and all those things I just don’t want to talk about right now. I’d rather hear a little about what’s happened since I’ve been gone. I was gone for a while, and things have apparently changed drastically. The Hands, the aliens who sent us to this planet, promised only to send one human woman a month. It only took about three months for them to go back on that promise, so I don’t know why I expect them to go back to their word.

“No, they sent one of Simone and Deja’s friends. Her name’s Nia, but she was A12-18.” Olivia is the one who answers my questions, and everyone else stays quiet like they want to know just as much as I do. “It’s a long story and one she’ll need to tell you because it’s not mine or anyone else’s story to tell.” Olivia gives a stern look to some of the brothers, who are very obviously ignoring her gaze. “When we get you situated and comfortable back in the tribe, we want to talk with you and your mate about improving the homes around the tribe. We might have more guests soon.”

“Yeah, of course.” My mind races, thinking about what could be happening on Earth. Everyone was getting pretty restless when I was there, but it didn’t seem like they were all about to lose it at any second. Plus, the Hands always seemed to have a good handle on keeping everyone in line after what happened to A12-02. “We’ll help with whatever you need.”

Everyone grows quiet, waiting for me to say something else or do something else. It’s like none of them know how to interact with me. Which is fair, considering I was in my room most of the time I was here. I pick at my food and eat a few more bites, listening to the quiet conversations that start up around me when everyone starts to get back to their normal selves.

While chewing on my latest forkful of alien meat and veggies, I look around the table, finally realizing that Simone’s gone as well. She had told me the one night we shared the human room together that she was planning on pissing off the Hands because she needed to talk with one of them. I remember Dath telling us that she left with another demon, but I guess a part of my brain rejected that.

“So Simone actually left?”

“She left with Thro’s brother and the male she arrived with.” Olivia rubs her temples, almost like she doesn’t want to say what she’s about to say. “We sent a letter telling them Thro is safe and sound, so his brother doesn’t need to worry about what has happened to him. But, they went to the other tribe to explain the existence of human females.”

Everything seems to freeze as she says it. The air around me feels hot, too hot, and my lungs feel desperate for air. I’ve had panic attacks before. I know what they feel like, and I know I’m about to fall into a giant one. My fingers start trembling, and my breathing comes in short gasps that don’t seem to fill my lungs. I yank on the tether connecting my soul to Toron’s like it’s a lifeline. He won’t be able to do anything for me, but I need him here with me so I can get myself down from this worry. If Simone goes to the other tribe, they’re going to find out about us. I want no one to ever know of our existence, or else more of them might come and try to kidnap me again.

The doors to the great hall slam back open, Toron and Thro both absolutely fuming as they snarl and snap their teeth at everyone around me. The others around the table back away, giving my mate space to get to me without having to hurt any of them. Toron is kneeling next to me on one side, Thro on the other as I gasp for breath, trying to tell them I’m okay, just can’t breathe at all because I’m panicking.

“What did you do?” Thro growls at the demons around us, his eyes accusatory enough to match the anger in Toron’s. It would be sweet if I weren’t thinking I might die at any moment from freaking out.

“We told her that we’re telling the other tribe about the humans,” Olivia says. Her eyes fill with worry, and her hands twist around one another. “She started gasping and sweating, and I don’t know what’s happening.”

Thro looks to Toron like he’s supposed to have all of the answers. Of course, he goes and talks with my mate alone for five minutes and trusts him more than he has since meeting him. Why wouldn’t he when my mate is actually a pretty great guy? Right now, I need to wrap myself in his arms and wait for my mind to calm down.

Toron grabs my chin, lifting my eyes to meet his. “You are thinking too much?”

I nod, needing him to know physically I’m fine. Mentally, I’m a hot mess. Toron lets out a long sigh that rustles my hair around my face. I don’t miss how his lips twitch, the corners of his eyes barely crinkling as he fights the urge to smile. He places a hand on my back, looking at Thro and reassuring him. “She will be fine. She thinks too much for her own good.”

“Rude.” The word breaks through my gasping as Toron rubs slow circles against my back. Thro gives me a confused look, not really believing that I’m acting like I might be dying because I’m thinking too much. The longer Toron rubs my back, the easier breathing becomes until I’m close to taking a full, deep breath of air.

“Breathe deep for me, Alice,” Toron prompts me when I’m starting to feel more like myself. Thro still kneels beside me. His hands clamp around mine as he watches me start to breathe deeper and deeper until the panic subsides and my heart stops racing. “There you go, coming back to us, yes? You are safe.”

“So safe,” Thro adds, excited to be able to add something that might help. It does help. Just being near the two males makes me feel so much better. “We will keep you safe, even from your thoughts.”

A smile breaks across my lips, and then a laugh that bubbles through my chest. “I’m guessing your talk went well?” I try to keep my voice light so I don’t stress myself out even more by thinking about the other tribe, knowing that there are humans here.

“Very good,” Thro says, his hands grabbing both of mine and taking all my attention from Toron, who doesn’t seem to mind. Toron shifts where he’s kneeling and continues to stroke my back. I want to turn to him and ask what he said, but I know it’ll have to be something we talk about later when Thro isn’t there to hear everything. Not that I think Toron would say anything bad, but I don’t want Thro getting embarrassed that he needed a conversation with Toron at all. “Toron will not kill me, at least not until I am a grown male. I would have to do something very bad for that to happen. He said I could get away with a lot since I saved his mate. He told me it means he is in my debt, so nothing bad will happen to me unless I really, really mess up.”

“Oh, in a chosen’s debt?” Erkoz pipes up, reminding the three of us that we are not alone while they’re helping me come down from my panic attack. Nope, we are surrounded by a few dozen others who are all watching, wanting to know what’s going to happen next. “We can use that in our adventures.”

Toron’s body tenses as he cuts a look over to Erkoz, but if Erkoz is scared, he doesn’t show it. He only looks more amused when Toron seems to get irritated at him interrupting our moment together. Thro, on the other hand, seems like he enjoys knowing that others think he is cool for having a chosen in his debt. Not that I think he’d really put Toron’s kindness to the test. He’s happy that Toron doesn’t hate him or want to kill him for being there when I was kidnapped.

“You will explain to me why you decided to inform the others of our humans, yes?” Toron turns to Ralleth when he speaks, but his hand stays on my back, rubbing small circles even though my nerves have calmed considerably.

“Of course,” Ralleth answers. “There is much to discuss. Some for you and me and some for your mate to speak with her sisters. Many things changed while you were gone. Even more is still to change if all goes well.”

Toron nods, checking my face to make sure I’m okay. When he sees that I’m good, he stands, pulling me to my feet so he can sit in the chair and pull me into his lap. He leans to the right, grabs the nearest chair, and pulls it over to be right next to ours. With a tilt of his head, he motions for Thro to sit in the chair. Thro gets all settled in, holding my hand with one of his as he starts to eat more food.

“Begin,” Toron looks to Ralleth with a cautioning glance. “We want to know everything.”



“Thro, help Alice with the last of the bedding.” I should not have to tell the young to help us carry things to our new home, but he wants to play with Erkoz right now. Apparently, that is more fun than making sure we are moved into our home before nightfall. I cannot blame him because there is plenty I would rather be doing than finishing sealing up the stones of the home and cleaning it out so it is ready for us to sleep in.