It is at this moment I remember I am not wearing any pants, and it seems my mate has noticed it as well. She watches my eyes, how wide they grow, as her little fingers drift lower and lower down the front of my abdomen, playing in soft circles where I am most tender.
“Human men don’t have horns or scales, and they definitely aren’t as tall or as big as you.”
I open my mouth to tell her that I know all of this already, but her fingers graze the base of my cock. With her so close to pleasuring me, I can think of nothing other than getting her to do it again.
“I was talking to Olivia in confidence when I said you look like a monster. I was worried because I’d never been with anyone. Not even a human man.” Her hand circles my cock as she holds it softly in her hands. “You’ll be the first male I’ve ever had sex with, and I was worried about having to seduce you.”
I grit my teeth, praying to the goddess not to let me release right now when Alice is just holding my cock. “Don’t worry about that. You have seduced me thoroughly.”
“So, you’ll mate me?” Alice’s eyes brighten at the prospect, and it takes every ounce of willpower I have to not release all over her. “Not sex, not here, but can we at least mate?” She pauses, but I can see all of the thoughts swirling around in the way her eyes grow glossy. I am surprised when she allows me the words that she would have hidden from me only a handful of days earlier. “I thought about it so much while you were healing. I want you, want to be mated to you. When they took me, I knew they were dead men because you would find me. I knew you would come for me just like I know you’re meant to be mine. So, please, can we mate?”
I close my eyes, not trusting myself right now. My whole body is begging me to say yes. My mind is even more on board with it. I worry that once she is mine, I will want her in all ways. When I open them again, Alice is looking up at me so hopeful that I cannot think of breaking her heart, not about this. I nod my head softly, knowing if I make very much movement that I will release before my mate is ready.
“I will always find you, and you were always mine. You have been from the first time I heard you cry and felt how my soul revolted at the sound.” I suck in a long shaky breath. “Now, say my name. I’ll fill your palm, and you will eat my seed and call me yours.”
Alice shifts around in my lap slightly, her hand moving against the scales of my cock in such a way that I tense my entire body. She looks up at my face as she moves one of her hands closer to the tip of my cock, the other wrapping tighter around the middle. When she looks down to where she’s holding me, she licks her lips like she is as enticed by my cock as I am by what is between her legs. I want to ask her to take my cock in her mouth to do this, but even that feels too intimate to do in this place. So when she starts moving her hand up and down my length, I shiver and let her do with me what she wants.
Alice’s eyes meet mine, her gaze full of desire and mischief and so much happiness that, for a moment, I’m lost in just her eyes. This small human is all mine from now until we die. She is mine, and I am hers, and I will never let her go.
“Toron,” Alice says my name so sweetly that I know I will forever be lost to this female. I am lost already, and I hope to never find my way again.
The roar that tears through my throat is so unlike any sound I have ever made, especially when pleasuring myself. I have never felt pleasure like this before, though. I never knew how wonderful it would feel to have my mate’s hand wrapped around my cock as she pleasures me until I provide her with my seed.
Alice keeps my gaze the entire time my cock twitches and covers her palm in my release. She continues staring at me as my beating begins to slow and my body starts to relax. When she lifts her palm to her mouth, she watches my face for my reaction. And when she licks some of my releases from her hand, her eyes finally close, and she makes a soft humming sound in her throat. My chest swells with pride and adoration for my mate. Especially when she licks at it again and again.
I grab her wrist, causing her eyes to open and her lips to pull back just slightly. “Call me yours, Alice.” My voice is slightly begging, but I need to know she is mine in all ways now. She can go back to licking my seed from her hand when she is mine. I will provide her with so much that she never goes hungry if that is what she wants, but right now, I need her to mate me.
“I am yours,” she says, a smile forming on her lips when she sees the way her words impact me. Her eyes glitter with tears that are now lining her lower lids. These are not tears of sadness or of pain. No, my mate loves crying. These are her tears of happiness. My whole body softens, the rage under my scales feeling dimmer now. I want to wrap her in my arms and hold her close to me, but she is still wanting to lick and suck my juices from her palm even as her tears fall down her face. So I release her. I push the hair away from her face, brush the tears from her cheeks, and admire her as she consumes more of my seed from her hand. Once she is finished, she looks up at me again. “I am Toron’s.”
“Yes, you are,” I whisper, not trusting my words not to come out as a growl or a hiss right now. My mind is not as angry as I was, but my body has not caught up. “All mine. Let me know if you need more of my seed. I am always willing to give it to you.”
Alice licks her lips, her cheeks flashing bright pink. I do not know why she would be embarrassed. I am lucky to have a mate who enjoys eating my seed as much as I enjoy giving it to her. It is not until she is looking back down at my cock that I realize she is still a shy creature, one who has never had to tell a male what she wants or needs from him. She must be shy about her need for my seed, so I will make it so that she never needs to ask.
“Put your hand near the head of my cock, little mate,” I say, the growl edging into my voice at my command. Alice does not seem to mind and does not seem scared. No, she looks at me with something I am almost certain is adoration. “I am going to release in your hand, and you will eat my seed again.”
Alice nods her head. Her small, unforked tongue peeks out before she presses her teeth into her plump lip. I grab her other hand with mine, wrapping her fingers around my cock and placing my own hand on top of hers. I wrap my hand around hers and then begin to rub her against my cock until my seed is spilling and filling her palm with fresh release. Alice stares at it for a moment. Then her eyes search mine.
“Eat my seed, mate.” I touch my forehead to hers, wanting to have her do more than just eat my seed. She follows my instructions so easily that I decide it will not be bad to have a mate without experience. Sure, we will have to stumble and fumble around in the bedroom quite a bit to figure out what pleases the other, but we will do it together. I admire Alice as she licks her palm clean of me again, and I catch myself smiling every time she looks to me for approval. When she has licked herself clean, I grab her and pull her tight against my chest.
“I like it when you tell me what to do,” Alice whispers softly against my scales, “It makes it easier to know if I’m doing it right.”
I huff out a sound that is meant to be a laugh but comes out more as a growl. “You could never do it wrong, but I can take charge if that is what my mate needs.”
“I think it is,” Alice says, her fingers interlocking behind my neck as she pushes away to stare up at me for a moment. “At least for right now.”
“Then, for now, I will be in charge in the bedroom,” I brush her hair down her back. “Just until we learn how to be with one another, yes? Then we can decide if you still want me in charge.”
Alice bites her lips, a sparkle of interest in her eyes. I know she is thinking the same things as me. She wants to see what we can learn about one another right now. This is not the place for intimacy, though. Not to mention, we also have Dath and Thro waiting outside for us so we can all return home.
“Get me home, Toron,” Alice says as she pushes away from me and stands. “I want to learn to be with you.”
The growl that leaves my throat is loud and menacing, but it only has my mate laughing at me. She holds out a hand to help me get to my feet, and I take it. My clothes are laid out on the table, still damp from when someone cleaned them. Blood still stains the fabric. But most of the dirt and grime is cleaned.
I pull on my clothing, wrap an arm around my mate, and throw the door to the safety building open so we can start making our way back home. I need my mate in my bed as soon as possible. I can lie and say it is because of the rage, but I have become accustomed to that. No, I need her because I want her and have never wanted anything this badly in my life.