Page 16 of Shredded Soul

The door swung wide. Light poured out onto the dark porch. Alastair stood in the doorway with Reed safely at his back.

Reed squealed. “Paine!” He practically shoved Alastair out of the way and grabbed Paine’s arm, dragging him inside. He hugged Paine and then quickly backed away. “Sorry. I didn’t think to ask permission.”

Charon stepped inside. On the sly, he saw Paine bring the hand Reed had grabbed to his mouth and lick it. Charon threw on the charm to keep the focus on him until Paine had comforted himself. “Sorry to barge in on you so late. We just got into town.”

Alastair looked Paine’s way. “Who is we?” He held his hand out for Paine to shake. “I’m Alastair.”

Paine didn’t accept.

After a second, Alastair dropped his hand. “It’s okay. I know not everyone shakes hands.”

At Alastair’s statement, Paine stepped forward and stiffly held out his hand. “I’m Paine, Charon’s husband.”

Alastair’s eyebrows rose for a second, but he quickly recovered. A huge grin split his face. He shook Paine’s hand. “It’s great to meet you, Paine. I can take your coats. Choose any seat you’d like.”

With a nod, they handed off their coats. Paine headed to the loveseat and gingerly sat. It was painfully obvious—to Charon, anyhow—that Paine pretended to be as normal as possible. Charon sat next to Paine, while Alastair and Reed sat on the couch.

Paine eyed the room. “I like your house.” He focused on Reed. “It smells good. It’s like one of those houses you see in commercials where snow is falling outside the window, and everyone has hot chocolate.” He made a wild motion with his hand. Charon assumed it was meant to simulate snow falling outside the window.

Reed smiled. “Thank you. Hot cocoa sounds amazing. We could make some together, if you’d like.”

Charon’s heart swelled at Reed’s kindness. He was incredibly sweet. His hazel eyes screamed he was a good person. Charon was glad Paine wanted to take this chance.

“I would like that.” Paine sounded unsure, but he stood and followed Reed to the kitchen.

Alastair made it until they were alone, but barely. “Reed knows him.”

Charon tore his gaze away from the kitchen door. It hadn’t been a question. Charon worried it had been more of an accusation. “Yes. He says he came to see Reed on your wedding day.” Charon shrugged. “Beyond saying Reed was very kind to him that day, I don’t know anything else.”

Alastair nodded. “Well, apparently, we’re both in the dark.”

They shared a smile, and then they both laughed. Charon made a helpless gesture. “The club of clueless husbands.”

They laughed harder.

Alastair turned serious. “He’s very beautiful.” He looked hesitant to say more.

Charon nodded. “I know. He’s still healing.”

A sweet smile touched Alastair’s lips. “Then it’s a good thing he has you, and Reed will be good for him.”

“That’s why I didn’t hesitate to come here with him. I know you two are exactly the friends he needs.”

Alastair’s smile grew. “Does that mean you intend to stay in New York?”

“For now. We have to head back to Mississippi next week for Christmas, but Paine wants to live here.”

“What’s in Mississippi?” Alastair looked confused.

Charon tilted his head toward the kitchen. “Paine’s found family. A man named Quentin Montgomery helped him escape Greece. He has a huge house in Mississippi where several people like us live. It’s almost like a rehabilitation center.”

Alastair nodded. “I know Quentin. I’ve taken boys to him in the past for help. He always finds a place for them. I’ve never seen Paine there, though. Not that I go in and search the place.”

Charon shrugged. He couldn’t say Paine lived in the ceiling and prowled around the country when he got bored. “I stayed there a few weeks and I’m not sure I even saw everyone who lives there.”

Reed and Paine returned. Both carried two cups. Paine had his bottom lip held between his teeth, as if scared shitless he might spill cocoa on Reed’s floor.

Charon stood and relieved him of one cup. “This looks amazing.”