Charon nodded. “Except we would’ve been smarter about it.”
“Except we have the luxury of the what ifs.”
“Except for that,” Charon agreed.
Paine settled on Charon’s chest and listened to his heartbeat. “What now?”
Charon softly stroked Paine’s back. “Right now, I hold you. Then I guess I’ll stay right here until you feel safe enough to leave with me.”
Paine felt a little guilty. Charon had a whole life before Paine returned from the grave. “Don’t you have a business to run?” Charon was an antiquities dealer by day. On the side, he killed people. That was who they were. It was how they were built. Everyone had their quirks.
Charon kissed the top of his head. “Nothing comes before you.”
“Go to sleep,” Paine whispered. He heard and felt Charon’s exhaustion. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
“Promise?” Charon sounded half asleep.
Paine covered them and held Charon. His biggest fear was waking up in a padded room and learning this had been another mental break. If so, Paine needed to soak up every second. He had nothing else.
Chapter Eight
Paine had never dressed up in his life. He had gone from being a street rat to hostage to fucked to fucked up, with no stops in between. The way Charon stared down at him, wearing a little smile, was the only reason he stood still and didn’t tug at his clothes while Charon tied his bow tie for him. It felt strange without his collar.
Charon’s smile grew. “You look miserable.”
Paine forced his features into a different expression.
A sexy laugh rumbled from Charon’s chest. “You don’t have to fake it. I know this isn’t your comfort zone.”
It wasn’t, but Paine didn’t want to ruin anything for Charon. “I’ve never been to a fancy antique show. It sounds like something filled with people I won’t like.”
Charon finished with Paine’s tie and then stared at him like a proud parent. “There. Perfect, just like you.”
Paine snorted.
“Do you like me?” Charon asked, sounding pragmatic.
Charon laughed again. “Then you’ll sometimes like these people too. But we’re not going for the people. If I intend to run my business from here for a while, then I need to rub elbows.” He leaned closer, lowering his voice and sounding evil. “I need them to see my ruthlessness. It’s important the other dealers know I always get what I want.”
He stole Paine’s breath. Charon looked so wicked. “What do you want?” The question came out in a whisper. Paine didn’t know if he should promise to be good or scramble for the rafters. Charon could be scary. He needed to hear Charon’s terrifying tone wasn’t meant for him.
Charon’s face softened. “To give you everything.”
Paine blinked. He hadn’t expected that response. “I don’t want things.”
Charon snagged his waist and hauled Paine against him. “Everything isn’t always monetary. Tell me what you want. It’s yours.”
The demand nearly sent Paine into an existential crisis. No one had ever asked him that. He had never considered what he yearned for more than anything. Before he had time to break down from the overload, peace settled over him. Paine knew exactly what he wanted and needed from his life. “I want to really be your husband.”
Charon lowered his head and brushed his lips across Paine’s. The air in the room changed. Charon sucked his bottom lip, making Paine’s knees weak. He stroked Paine’s back like he treasured Paine. Paine lost himself as Charon’s tongue swiped his. He wondered if Charon kept him upright. Paine couldn’t feel his legs. By the time Charon pulled away, Paine couldn’t open his eyes. Charon had stolen him. Paine slowly opened his eyes to find Charon staring at him with so much hunger, Paine stopped breathing.
“Fuck. You’re beautiful.” Charon meant it. The truth was in his eyes and voice.
“I love you.” Paine heard himself even though he didn’t remember speaking. It was as if Paine’s heart had bypassed his brain and spoke for him. Honestly, that was probably for the best, considering his mind.