My wife is hotter than hell. Every man—and woman—here knows it, including this guy with the wife and four-point-five kids sitting across from me. He’s rarely taken his eyes off Laurelyn since the moment they were seated at the table. Surely, his wife has noticed, or maybe she hasn’t since he completely turned the childrearing over to her so he could ogle my wife’s tits.

This guy is blatantly staring and it is pissing me off, but I remind myself these aren’t swingers in a club. This guy’s here with his family but he should show respect toward his wife and mine.

I take a cleansing breath and exhale slowly. I’m letting this go because that’s what mature men do. And it’s what L would want from me.

When the show is over, Laurelyn returns to the table, changed back into her sundress. I rise and pull her chair out for her. “You didn’t get to keep the costume?”

“Sorry, McLachlan. They made me turn it in.” She leans over and lowers her voice. “But I’m sure we can come up with something for later.”

Oh yeah. I’m definitely buying this girl a hula costume for the bedroom.

Everyone at the table resumes watching the show—except the ogler. Laurelyn has no idea she’s being violated and I’ve had enough. No husband should have to watch some dick salivate at the sight of his wife’s chest. “They’re a great pair, aren’t they?”

He turns at the sound of my voice and goes pale when his wife asks, “What was that?” His eyes become large as he reaches for his drink. “I said they’re a great pair.” I point at the kids sitting to the left. “Your older boys get along well while the younger son entertains the baby.”

“Don’t let those two fool you,” she says as she gestures toward the rambunctious boys. “They’re a handful. They don’t always get along so well.”

The show ends and I waste no time in leading L toward the car ahead of the crowd. “Wait. I need to go to the restroom.”

I look at the horde around us and know they’re all headed in the same direction. “We’ll be at the house in ten minutes.”

She shakes her head. “My bladder will explode if we get stuck in traffic.”

“I really want to beat this crowd out of here so I can get you home and fulfill my promise.” She crosses her legs and makes a face to convey agony. “But not at the cost of an exploding body part.” I swat her bottom and she yelps. “Go—but hurry—because I have plans for you, Mrs. McLachlan.”

I’m waiting for L and see our dinner companions as they’re leaving. “Did you enjoy the show?” I call out as they walk by. I would never bring his indiscretion to his pregnant wife’s attention, but I can’t resist making the bastard squirm a little. He deserves that much.

He busies himself with one of the children, pretending to not hear me, so his wife answers. “We did. And you?”

“Loved it. It was Laurelyn’s first luau so she especially enjoyed it.”

“Laurelyn. What a pretty name. I’ll have to remember that one when this baby comes—that is, if it’s a girl. We didn’t find out.”

I hope it’s a boy. I don’t want this guy to have any lasting connection to my L. “I’ll tell my wife you said so. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“You too.”

Laurelyn walks up from the opposite direction of the restrooms and is wearing that mischievous grin I love so much. “What have you been up to?”

She holds up a large shopping bag. “I wanted souvenirs.”

We both know what’s in that bag so I can’t wait to get her back to the house to play dress-up. I grab her hand and lead her toward the area where our driver is to pick us up. “Where’s the fire?”

“In my pants.” That earns me a giggle from my bride but I’m not amused. I’m horny.

We’re out a little earlier than expected, so I’m grateful when I see our driver waiting at the curb in a black Town Car. “That’s us with the hazards on.” I’m used to Daniel’s reliability so it’s nice to have someone do a good job of filling his shoes. Our temporary driver keeps up this kind of service and he’ll earn a nice, fat bonus at the end of this assignment.

“What’s with the hurry?”

I wave the driver off and open the door for L. “I’ll tell you when we’re in the car.”

She’s a woman so she doesn’t get it. I know what’s in that bag and what she’s going to look like in it. She’s going to dance for me—only me—in a hula costume. Probably with nothing underneath. The anticipation has my cock hard as rock.

The car pulls away and I know I have at least ten minutes until we make it home, probably longer when you take traffic into account so I’m in pure misery. I bring her hand to my erection. “This is the hurry. I’m in agony because I want you under me so badly.”

She leans up and removes her cardigan before spreading it over my lap. “If we don’t do something about this, you won’t last a minute once we’re home. I don’t think either of us wants that.” She moves her hand up and slides it down the front of my pants. She grasps my cock in her hand and her thumb strokes the tip, spreading the moisture already there. “I think a little pregame show is in order so we savor the real thing later. Don’t you agree?”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I lean my head back against the seat while L pumps her hand up and down. “God, you’re the best wife ever.”

She leans over to whisper in my ear. “I wish there were a divider. Remember all those naughty things we did in the back of that limo?”

How could I forget? Those were some of the best moments of my life. I grab her head and bring her ear to my mouth. “Hell, yeah. I remember it all. Every touch. Every kiss.”

“You want to know what I remember?” She pumps faster as she talks, bringing me closer to the climax I need so badly. “You exploding inside my body, claiming me. You rubbed your cum into my skin, marking me like an animal, as if I was your possession for no other man to look at. And I loved it.”

That’s it. The first spasm begins, and then the others, followed by a full-on explosion. She doesn’t stop until her hand and my boxer briefs are a wet mess and then she kisses the side of my face. “That’s my boy.”

She takes her hand out of my pants and opens her handbag to fetch a tissue. She wipes her hand and then passes a clean one my way. “Tissue?”