An hour isn’t even close to long enough. She needs way more time to sort this out. “I think it’s a good idea to put the baby talk on the back burner for now.”


I kiss the side of her face. “I have something else to show you.”

We walk the hall toward the other remodeled room. “This is a vacation home and it often houses two families, so it has two master suites.”

“Another romantic getaway?”

I laugh inwardly. “Not exactly.” I grasp the knob. “Close your eyes.”

“This is becoming a habit for you.” She does as I tell her so I open the door and lead her into the second master suite. “You can open your eyes now.”

Her eyes are wide as she assesses her surroundings. Mirrored walls. Overhead lights. A stage. A pole.

She’s grinning so I take that as a good sign. She walks up the steps onto the stage and runs her hand up the golden brass. “Wow. This room is a little presumptuous on your part, Mr. McLachlan. One might assume you have an obsession with pole dancers.”

She has no idea.

I join her on the stage and place my hands on her hips, pushing her backward until she’s pressed against the brass extending from floor to ceiling. “I have an obsession with one.”

She reaches for the button of my jeans and pulls it free. She looks down—and so do I—to watch her skillful fingers push the zipper of my pants down. Then her hands are inside the waistband of my boxer briefs, shoving them down. “I may have my own obsession.” And like a scene worthy of any man’s sexual fantasy, L drops to her knees before me.

Oh God. My wife is so smokin’ hot. How did I get so lucky?

She looks up at me from her knees, the same way she’s done countless times before, and it couldn’t be sexier. Until I see her tongue stroke me from base to tip. I want to close my eyes and become totally lost but I can’t stop watching her mouth on me. It’s too fucking hot.

She goes through a series of motions. Fast. Slow. Soft. Hard. I can’t predict what’s coming next and I fucking love it.

She’s at it no more than a minute and I’m almost ready to come because she’s too damn good at this, but her mouth isn’t where I want to come. I tap the top of her head. “Stop, L.”

She does and I help my wife to her feet. My hands go fishing beneath her dress where I grasp her almost nonexistent knickers and drag them down her legs. She steps out one foot at a time and kicks the two white lacy triangles aside. She sheds her cardigan and pulls her dress over her head before chucking it across the stage. She’s left wearing only her bra and heels, though not for long. The bra is going, but not the heels. Those stay.

I step back and behold the lovely sight of my bride. Laurelyn is absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe I get to call her mine forever. I’m a fortunate man.

She gives me a come-hither motion with her finger and I obey. I have no choice because I’m hers to do with as she pleases. This woman owns me completely. “Inside me. Now.”

She reaches over her head and grasps the pole tightly. She lifts her lower body to wrap her legs around me and I understand the position she has in mind. My girl is strong. Most women don’t possess the physical strength it takes to do the things she’s capable of on a pole. “This is new. I like it.”

She frees one hand and pulls my face to hers for an urgent kiss, and I’m again made aware of the physical power she possesses. “Wrong. You’re gonna love it,” she whispers as she sinks down, pushing me deep inside her.

I groan with pleasure and grasp her bum so I can move with her in perfect rhythm. I thrust hard and she matches me evenly. My girl does me fucking proud but it doesn’t last near as long as I’d like. She brought me close to the edge using her mouth so I’m ahead of her. I know I am. She gave me a huge head start so I slow down—I’m not crossing the finish line without her.

I bring my fingers around to her most sensitive spot. I rub it in no particular order, the way she did when she went down on me. Fast. Slow. Soft. Hard. And I know when her breathing picks up that she’s close. And then it’s over for me as I explode inside her. “I. Love. You. L.”

I’m buried deep inside her and she has no reply for me, but I know why. I feel the ripple of her body tightening around my cock and know she’s too preoccupied with her own climax to respond.

When it’s over for her, she lets go of the pole and wraps both arms around my shoulders. “I love you too,” she says, kissing my mouth. She holds on tightly, trembling. I’m guessing it’s overuse of her muscles since she hasn’t had a workout like that in a while. “I think I’m a wee bit out of practice. I’ll be feeling the results of that little trick all week.”

I don’t want her sore on our honeymoon. There’s way too much I want to do with her.

“You should take a soak in the tub. It’ll help relax your muscles and then I’ll give you a massage when you’re out.”

She looks up at me so adoringly and stretches on her toes to nuzzle my nose. She isn’t tall enough so I lean down and meet her halfway. “Mmm. I was right. You’re definitely the best husband ever.”

“I’m just getting started, babe. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

I carry her to the bath—not because I don’t trust her legs—but because I want to. I set her down and make her sit on the vanity stool. She laughs and says I’m being ridiculous but I don’t care. I can never overdo it when it comes to her comfort.

I turn on the water and the room quickly becomes a sauna. “Check the water to be sure it’s not too hot for you.”

She gets up and walks over to the tub to dip her fingers under the stream. “Perfect.” She slips off her heels, which managed to stay on during the transport here, and she’s instantly at least three inches shorter. “Will you soak with me? I wasn’t the only one exerting my body.”

I had planned on checking in at the vineyards while she soaked but how could I possibly decline an invitation like that? “Absolutely, but let me get your body wash and shampoo first.”

I return with her bath supplies and shed my pants, which somehow didn’t manage to get removed during our sexual escapade. We step into the tub together. I sit first, per our routine, and then L lowers herself gracefully as ever into her usual spot between my legs so she can lean back against my chest. I revel in the simple feel of my beloved’s skin against mine.